Tascam Model 12

Replied to you above ^^

Is the button under the headphone volume knob in the right position? It should not be pressed in. Also be sure to hard pan those PC channels left and right.

It’s not pressed (AUX 1/2). It’s in the MAIN position (not pressed) a you can see from this angle:

I also see Model 12 selected in the sound / volume icon on top:

Screen Shot 2020-09-28 at 15.39.43

It looks like the solo button is down on channel 3 and maybe 7/8 based on the photo. I recommend turning down the main volume as well so you don’t blow something out once it passes the signals through the mains.

Ah yeah that’s it… Good eye.

Good eye I un-solo’d those channels and panned chan 1 and 2 hard left and right. Still not getting any sound!

The second photo also looks like channel 5 is solo’d as well.

Everything is un-solo’d now but still no sound!

I tried that as shown in the newer photo above ^^ but still not getting any sound.

Hmm, it looks right. Are you seeing audio v on the MTR screen when you select channel 9/10 (this will bring up the Main output as well)? The fact that you see audio on the input channels tells me that audio is coming in at decent levels so it shouldn’t be on the Mac side of things. From a troubleshooting standpoint you’ve isolated to the Tascam. I had some issues initially and called tascam and left a VM. They got back to me pretty quickly to get it sorted out. You may want to go that route.

And I meant do you see audio on the 11-12 Master track? If so, that isolates things down further as that would show that channel audio is coming in and it is being routed to the master out. You should hear audio through the headphones and the main xlr outputs on the back. Lastly, this was the number I called and left a VM for them: +1-323-726-0303

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Yes I’m able to see audio on the main output. I guess I’ll have to reach out to Tascam. :expressionless:

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Good luck. Sorry I couldn’t solve it! I’m probably missing something though.

Hit the AFL button.


Cool. Thanks! Fortunately I live in 323 area code so they might be nearby and I can take it to them!

I did that and still no sound. I’m gonna call Tascam.

Did you adjust the knob also? Beneath the AUX.

Yes I did. Didn’t have any effect. :thinking:

UPDATE: Problem solved! Tascam got back to me in less than an hour. It turns out the AFL button on the FX panel wasn’t supposed to be in the down / pressed position. This was how the unit came and I have no idea why they designed it such so that FX section (which I’ve bypassed) would affect the sound coming out on both headphones and main / sub outputs. Very lame on Tascam’s part and they should have a clear quick start guide. Anyway, glad their customer service is good and this has been solved. The technician seemed to know what the issue was before I could finish explaining so it seems they’ve dealt with thsi issue A LOT. Companies could save a lot of time and money not dealing with customer troubleshooting (or returns) by just creating concise and better how-to manuals rather than thick manuals that just explain features, specs and circuit diagrams made for engineers or electronics nerds


The one button I didn’t see pressed! Glad you got it figured out :slight_smile:

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