Tascam Model 12

I have an opportunity to get a Model 24 (used, but in perfect condition) for the same price as a brand new Model 12. Weighing the pros and cons, along with the price, would I be crazy not to gran the Model 24?

Any quality improvements over the 24? I got to mess with a model 24 and my berhinger rack mixer felt sturdier than the tascam. I wanted to grab one but lost all gas after feeling it. 12 would be great tho if it was durable

Ther are some advantages to the 12 vs the 16 and 24 but I’m forgetting what they were at the moment. The 16 and 24 have more of an analog path though whereas the 12 is mostly digital (including the EQs). The 16 and 24 are way too big for me so I settled on the 12.

The model 12 is really handy, very easy to grasp and I find the sound clear and powerfull. Only small downside are buttons and faders : a bit on the cheap plastic side.

Glad you got that fixed and working man

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It’s actually not that bad. I’m very happy with it - especially for the price, but I’d gladly pay an extra USD $100 or more for high quality faders, buttons, and FX.

I’m thinking about getting one of these.

How is everyone getting along with it?

I assume there are zero FX in the box and that each channel can only record from its input(requiring cable juggling when you want to layer stuff)?

I have the 16, which is a little different. As you guess. Each input is hardwired to its specific channel. Recorded tracks can’t be moved internally to another track. Bouncing tracks can be done, but requires routing the source track to a physical output that is then patched to the target track’s input.

There are some effects onboard and they are okay, the delays are all broken, though, each having a slap back before the properly timed echoes kick in. I’ve filed a request with Tascam, but as few others seem to have mentioned it (despite it being easily confirmed), who knows if it will ever be fixed?

I have experienced occasional bugs (input LEDs illuminating despite nothing being plugged into that channel). Overall, though, it works as it should.

On the plus side, the pre-amps are surprisingly okay.

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Great news!

Is bouncing the way you move tracks? Or can you actually directly move the audio file to a different track?

Shame about the fx. On the plus side, it will finally give me a reason to get the Zoia to act as my Fx unit

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I believe hardware bouncing is the only way to move audio from one track to another when using it as a standalone. I think you might be able to move a track by re-importing its audio to a new track when accessing the SD card via USB, though I’ve not tried it. (I’ve yet to connect mine to a computer).

I’ve only had mine for a short time, so I might be wrong… :blush:

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Ah rats! I know it sounds petty or finicky but I’m gonna have to sit on that for a little while.

Thanks for the info! I greatly appreciate it!

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Not at all. My first use for it is as a mixer… for me the recording is an added feature that makes it a little more useful that the standard mixer that once occupied its space in my room. However, I do wish there were a few more audio features. Moving tracks via hardware bouncing is a compromise that forces the audio through the conversion process twice. It sounds good enough that this is not likely to be an issue, but it’s inconvenient, especially if you take into consideration that only the first two channels have Hi-Z inputs. That might be an issue for guitarists who want to plug directly in to the board. My favorite tape echo requires a Hi-Z input, so if I’m going to track more than two tracks of the thing, I either have to bounce, power up the computer, or employ an external pre-amp.

That said, Tascam have their dedicated digital Portastudio in the form of the DP-24/32, where they have all of the digital editing available, but at the cost of more flexible mixing options. It’s probably not beneficial to them to add features to one at the risk of sales to the other. For me, I wanted an analog mixer, so the Model 16 was the better choice.

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Those DPs look perfect! I’ll have to do a bit of digging!

Thanks for the heads up!

I don’t know about the 16, but the 12 has a “swap tracks” function. So you could record on 1, swap it with 2, record on 1 again, swap it with 3, etc. without patching or bouncing.



That’s good to know. I hope that function comes to the 16 and 24 soon (along with a fix for the delay)

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FYI: Current DPs lack midi.

Yeah, I’m seeing that.

That’s unfortunate.

Looks like it’s fixed, as of today: https://tascam.com/us/product/model_16/download


Woo! Crazy timing.

And just to be clear, it’s fixed across the 12 and 24, too.