Tascam Model 12

A stereo channel is just two mono channels panned left and right :slight_smile: I usually keep 1 & 2 mono (these are also the only channels with inserts on the Model 12) but 3/4 and 5/6 might as well be wired hard left and right how I use it.

In theory I’d love to have more, of course. But by the time I’m getting past 4–5 parts I’m looking to bounce something down anyway. My brain’s just not big enough to manage that many independent streams.

i know, i just never got used to this whole two finger slide move to bring a synth back in while jammin. Always worried one channel might be slightly lower or higher :smile:
Thats why i would always prefer to have dedicated steroe channels. And lots of them.


In the old days, we used to use a bit of a pencil to guide two or more faders in tandem. Bit easier with something like this:




I was promised having two channels slightly out of line would give me that analog sound. :wink:


Is it possible to use CV from A4 as a footswitch trigger, for example in order to trigger punch in record?

(Sorry if it’s a dumb question, I promise I did try googling it)

Edit: I think it’s not possible. As I (kind of) understand, footswitches work by closing a circuit, not by sending a signal.

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Ugh, I want this Model 12 to replace my Clarett 8pre. Been looking at the specs and it seems perfect as a standalone music sketchpad and companion for a DAW.

I think I’m going to get one soon too. I was using a Mackie Onyx 1620i for a few years but since building a new PC (which has no room for a FireWire card) it’s been sat idle waiting to be sold.
I’m wanting the Model 12 as it will replace my soundcard, control surface and current Mackie 802VLZ3 mixer in a neat footprint.
It will also work class compliant with my MPC One. Sounds great to me!

Since it records pre eq as I understand, wouldn‘t it be possible for them to firmware update to make post eq recording possible or something? Isn‘t it such a shame that I would record and then still have to eq in post my indivially tracked chnnels ornis it just me? :man_shrugging:t4:

On the Model 12 there are 3 selectable places for the conversion to take place, and one of them is post eq. This is a step up from the 24 and 16, where conversion always takes place after the channel comp, but before the eq.

And for me this is a big difference. While it is nice that the 24 and 16 have analog eq, you can’t print them while while multitrack recording, although I believe they record to the stereo master track with all other fx and whatnot. But, we all work differently, so this may not matter to others. It’s just a beef in general I have with machines like this. The new Mackie’s are the same way. They advertise their nice eq’s, but the conversion takes place before the eq. Which, I get, I guess these are mixers with recorders built in. But, it would be nice to have the option, like the Model 12 now gives.


You convinced me :heart_eyes:

Here is the SOS review I got that from. It’s a good write up.


“Arguably the biggest ‘game changer’ is how you can deploy these processors. In the Model 24, the A‑D and D‑A converters were at a fixed point in the signal path, which limited how you could access the processing. For example, the compressors were always placed before the converters, which meant that you could record and mix live performances through them but couldn’t access or tweak them during playback. Similarly, the EQs always came after the converters, so you could mix through them but print the settings only in the stereo mix, not to the separate tracks in a multitrack recording. This has been ‘corrected’ in the Model 12: on each channel, you can choose via the Menu button and Multi Jog wheel to record the signal pre the compressor (ie. directly after the preamp, HPF and, on channels 1 and 2, the insert point), post the compressor but before the EQ, or post both the compressor and EQ. It’s a vast improvement, since the new routing options make possible so many different workflows.”


does the use of the word ‘corrected’ mean that we should expect corrections in the 16 and 24 models?

A couple of questions about Model 12…

Are the aux outputs stereo? or can I use them like that across 2 channels or something?

Basically I want to be able to send to a stereo effects pedal. I know I can use the submix output for this, and come back in on 2 mono channels, but I was just wondering about the aux 's (I’m new to this stuff).

No, each aux is mono :frowning:

As I think you’re hinting at, if you’re using two mono channels as a stereo pair (i.e. channel 1 panned hard left and channel 2 panned hard right) you turn up the aux1 send on channel 1 and the aux2 send on channel 2 to get a kind of stereo thing going. But if you want to do anything with the levels of the sends, controlling that via two independent aux pots is going to be much more fidley than just using the submix.

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Great, thanks for the reply! So the submix is the way to go :slight_smile:


i picked up a model 12 last week and i’m hoping for some help with something. i have my routing sorted (ableton as the master clock, DT via overbridge to 7/8 pc switch, A4 line to 9/10, mono synths to other channels) with the idea to record onto the sd card, then export stems to ableton.

the goal is to use an ipad as an fx send (return to channels 1/2 panned). my initial though is to run the sub mix outs to a usb interface, process in the ipad, and return to channels 1 and 2.

is this the best way do get this done? has anyone tried something like this successfully and, if so, what is the best interface? the arturia mini fuse 1 looks like a possible solution that won’t cost a lot, but i’m open to suggestions.

I just gave this a whirl with a Model 24 and a Zoom U-44 and it works really well.

I would use the 2 aux outs instead of the sub (to have better control of the amount being sent per channel), but either way will work.

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I definitely use sub as a kind of stereo fx send (but returning on channels 9/10). I don’t use a computer or os device for fix processing but I imagine anything with low latency could work.

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thanks for that. the aux outs are a much better idea too, think i’m going to give this a shot.

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