Tascam Model 12

i’m doing something similar with the a4 as and external fx processor, just to see if it worked. it’s not super easy to control, but i got an interesting reverb out of it and a decent feedback delay.

One gotcha: Aux2 is always post-fader, whereas Aux1 is configurable pre/post. I don’t remember what it is by default, but I’ve been tripped up by this before when I didn’t have them matched and couldn’t figure out why their levels were jacked up.

That, and remember there are master gains for each aux to the right of the channel strips that are somehow always getting turned down and convincing me my aux are busted :slight_smile:

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thanks for the heads up. this mixer seems like it’s exactly what i need, but it’s going to be a learning curve. sometimes stuff like this is good though, it may force a result i wouldn’t have come up with otherwise.

i may start with just aux one as the send to the ipad and leave aux 2 for internal fx. see how that works and build from there.

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I :100: agree, and it’s one of the things I like most about the Model 12. There’s a learning curve, but it’s useful learning that I can leverage up into more sophisticated mixers/consoles down the line.

even just jamming out ideas with it is already a lot of fun. hoping to get the fx sends figured out today, then recording over the weekend. i need to see what’s around for delay/reverb apps (i make dub techno, so that’s my biggest use), but the idea of the gauss field looper as a send really appeals to me.

as i’m thinking my way through this, is it possible to set up fx chains in garage band (i’ve never used it, so i’m not sure how it works) or is there some other way to chain fx to not be limited to one app?

sorry if i’m derailing the thread a bit here.

AUM or Drambo are what I’d suggest. I haven’t tried GarageBand but it would probably work.

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thank you, i’ll check those out too.

@Kpucski @jemmons @specific just wanted to say thanks for all your help with getting this set up. i went with Aum on the ipad to manage the routing and it works amazingly well.


It’s mentioned in the update video above, but you can now set the headphone to be pre-main-fader. Which means you can adjust their levels independently of your studio monitors.

This bugged me more than I thought, and is a great addition!


How’s everyone going with the Model 12? Thought my interface might have been toast the other day (just needed a power cycle) and it was the first thing I thought of as a replacement option.

Would love it to have a few more inputs, but I use a patchbay so it’s not a big deal. I could probably do it close to dollar neutral too by selling Audient id14, Behringer ADA8200 and Samson SM10, Korg Nanocontrol. Seems like a perfect one box option for switching between PC, iPad and standalone workflows.

Every time I look at other interface/digital mixer options, this one just seems way easier.

For those using it, what are your biggest bugbears and gripes? Where does it let you down?

I honestly don’t have many gripes about mine. The knobs are a little wobbly, but it’s a pretty low cost mixer so some of that is to be expected. I wish the headphone level wasn’t tied to the main output fader so I could listen on headphones-only without having to turn my monitors off, but I think they actually may have fixed that in a recent update, I need to look into it.

I send the Sub output into my sampler so if I ever want to sample anything, it’s just a matter of pressing the Sub button on that channel. The Aux sends are really handy too. I think I’m only using like 25% of the features on it but it gets the job done. Plus it looks nice.


totally agree with @your_lamp here. And I think I would’ve prefered to pay a bit more for better build quality.

Biggest gripe: The timing resolution to trigger record is terrible (I think 1/30th of a second). It’s almost a deal breaker for me. You can’t punch in record on a specific beat.

I figured out how to remove the fake wooden sides…

It’s a good mixer for the price. Not perfect but what is.

Waiting on a reply to see if it’s possible to use the Aux Sends on the mixer to control the Aux sends in Ableton when in controller mode.

Yeah, you can do this now with the latest firmware. Game changer.


I punch in on the beat all the time without issue. Are you trying to do it with time code instead of bars:beats?


Still loving mine. I wish it had more channels (or that the Model24 had MIDI), but that’s always the case with mixers. Generally 10 is enough to get stuff done.

Having better audio file management (like “takes” or having offline audio not assigned to channels) would give us more flexibility and could make those 10 channels stretch a little further. I wish for that sometimes. But the whole “the channel is the audio file” idea is what makes this device so simple compared to the otherwise very similar Zoom R24. The Model12 just feels like tape. Overall it’s a good limitation for me.

My biggest gripe is the gain pots. Mine are super jumpy. But it’s just gain so no biggie.

And I wish aux2 could be pre-fader as well as aux1. Just nits, really.

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Does the faders transmit midi data?
It doesn’t look it does according to the manual but I wanted to be sure…

I’ve been trying to find a super simple multitrack (post fader) recording setup as I want to have control over fading synths in and out and basically just send the stems for mixing and mastering. But multitrack recording is as far as I understand it pre fader…

As I understand it, post—fader for each channel only applies to the main L/R channels in recording/mix down, internally.

However, if you have it set up as an interface and control surface for your DAW, you can record there and control the faders from the 12. Just align each channel to the right track. The output over MIDI can be configured to be post-compression and EQ, or not.

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EDIT: I was testing a bit more, I’m not sure anymore about this. On a new project my test seemed to have good timing and It might indeed punch in in better resolution than I thought. I changed SD card recently because of some errors, maybe the SD was the cause of the problem (?).
Do you also use auto punch in successfuly on time? Or do you always manually punch in?

I already lost a lot of hair on this, timing issues happening in the middle of bigger projects drive me nuts…

I already lost a bit of nerve trying it out, ofc I might still be missing something but I’m pretty sure the Model12 has a resolution of 1/30th/sec for recording. It might work out for some people, for me 1/30th/sec is not enough.

I just double checked now (hoping I missed something): Try setting 82bpm for example, go transport to bar 8.1, press record, it will nudge a bit to 7.4.
If you try auto punch, it only accepts timecode. Even if you insert a marker on 8.1 and then go to the marker while editing auto punch I/O it will be constrained to 1/30th/sec resolution.

I would love to be wrong on this, or maybe my unit would be faulty (fingers crossed).