Tascam Model 12

How did you remove the sides?

Underneath the plastic wood sides there are 4 screws (2 in each side) Unscrew these then from the back of the mixer push forward on the plastic sides… they will slide forward just pull them out sideways.

There are about 5 pins on the plastic sides that fit into keyhole shaped slots on the chassis
The 2 screws fix to ‘L’ brackets on the side of the chassis. These can be removed with a small Allen key and fitted back into the plastic sides .

Looks much better, and means I can now squeeze a Faderfox controller next to the mixer.


Ok, I think you have hinted at what could be the biggest drawback for me, but probably not a deal breaker. So once a song project is setup, you can’t swap the file associated with a track? The way I like to play with my zoom H5 is record two stereo tracks, do a bounce, add a new stereo track and repeat. Despite all the mix downs this still keeps keeps a separate file for each recording. Is this kind of thing doable with the 12? I might rtfm again.

And general question, you can have tracks routed to sub and main at the same time yeah? Also, anyone using a headphones output as an fx send? Or a hp outs only assigned to main mix?

When using as an audio interface, I keep hearing reviews griping about the pc return being assigned to channels 1&2. Is this an issue in practice, like if I set default output on the pc to 9&10, wouldn’t that work just fine?

On the 12, you’d record input to whatever channels, then play back those channels to the main bus (channels 11/12) and record that. Finally swap 11/12 with wherever you ultimately want the “bounce” to live.

This is where you’ll have trouble without hacky work-arounds. You can swap channels around, but ultimately you can’t record to one without replacing what’s already there, so far as I know.

You might be able to fake it. Like, after recording to main (11/12), export a stereo mix down at each stage? Then you’d have a history of exports? But the export is named after the song, so I think you’d have to rename the song each step? It’s definitely working against the device, so kind of a pain.

If you’re using it as an interface, though, then whatever. You can bounce and save anything with a DAW. I don’t know that the MTR features even make sense as anything other than a fail safe when a DAW’s on the other end.

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Very true. What I should have said is “set your marks using bar:beats then use those to set the autopunch I/O”.

Interesting. It doesn’t visibly nudge me back, but when I autopunch in to a blank channel with these settings, I do hear a little trailing slice of the previous measure like it’s punching in a wee early. So I’m betting you’re right. It’s probably using SPMTE under the hood (which has 1/30sec resolution in the best case of non-drop NTSC).

On the other hand, all this could all be skewed by the fact that I’m just triggering robots to play the exact same sequence every playback, all synced by either MTC (which has the same resolution as SMPTE) or MIDI clock/sync (which has, I think, a resolution of only 1/12sec at 120bpm?) So maybe the discrepancy is bigger if you’re playing with greater resolution? Or live when the bleed between the in-out points wont be identical?


Ok, so the faders DO transmit midi data.
Cause Thats not What i got from the manual.

Anyways Thats great! Thanks for clarifying!

Well it’s not assignable, it just acts as a control surface, with the faders mapping to the corresponding tracks in your DAW

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Thanks everyone for their responses. I’ve come to the conclusion that basically the Model 12 is the only device on the market in its class (maybe some legacy firewire devices and some astronomical mixing desks).

Unfortunately, while I understand why Tascam added this to the Model series, it really stuffs them for bringing out a Model 12 with a higher channel count… Model 18 or 20 maybe?

Mk2 wishlist would be 2 or three more stereo channels, extra set of outputs, motorised faders because i want that in my life one day… would cost double, I’d pay it.

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Anyone have any experience/success using a 1010 Bluebox and a Model 12? I love the Model but am looking for a few more stereo channels. Thinking it might be possible to midi sync these two devices and treat the Bluebox as a sort channel expander for the Model 12.

does this also apply to the model 16? I haven’t seen this…

Me, I’ve been doing exactly this.

I’ve not used the midi side of it though, more as an expander of channel 7/8 on the Model 12. I use 9/10 as a dedicated PC (Ableton) channel. I’ve had my Analog Four, Digitone, Syntakt and MPC Live 2 running into the Bluebox, then to 7/8 on the Model 12.
I like using the Bluebox for it’s EQ and FX on each device, plus the master compressor to gel things… and then I’ve been able to catch recordings to the SD cards in both units to take back into Ableton later.

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have you tried pairing the mpc and T-12 via usb and if so how did you like the workflow?

I did think about it, but I prefer the MPC as is… I’d rather just send the Sub outs to the MPC Ins and catch what I need to that way. I have everything I do set at 24bit/48khz, so the MPC being stuck at 44.1khz a) sucks, and b) makes me only ever integrate it via analog cables.

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Anyone here know if it’s possible to do the following with Model 12:
Send audio to a DAW (Ableton) for multitracking them while simultaneously sending them to its own main outs?
My idea is to use the Model 12 as my hardware mixer in my DAWless home studio but also being able to multitrack record out of it into ableton when I want to.
My setup is:
DN audio into DT audio into AH.
Plus an e guitar, two mics, etc.
was thinking of routing AH into the Model 12 as well as all the non-Elektron gear. Plus possibility multitracking DN and DT via overbridge (if CPU allows).
It’d be vital though that I could still monitor AH and all non-elektrons directly out of the model 12 for convenience and latency reasons…

I can’t figure out if I’m missing something here, or this is really simple. I think the latter. So, yes, you can do that (and a lot more…).

Thanks for replying.
I think the MODE switch is what’s confusing me a little.
When I switch it to PC so that the signal is being sent to my MacBook (for multitrack recording), I’m wondering if the channel is still being sent to the Main out…

I don’t own a Model12 but I have a passing familiarity with the Manual - the mode switch is for selecting the input source, I don’t think it has anything to do with output?

Setting to PC is for if you want to bring something from your computer in as a channel on the mixer.


As @natehorn said, that switch is for your input source, not for the routing.

I have 9/10 set to PC on mine 99% of the time, and this is my main mix coming out of Ableton.

I have mics, synths and gtrs going into the inputs on my Model 12, and they automatically route into Ableton.

I go one step beyond this too, and remove my input sources from the Main Model 12 mix and route them directly into Ableton, add fx, then monitor them back through channel 9/10.
Works great.

You wouldn’t have any issues doing what you said you want to.


Great to hear, thanks a lot!
My (second hand) Model 12 just arrived today, excited to check it out, hopefully find the time tonight…

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Is it possible to control Model 12 transport via midi? I don’t think I’m seeing that capability in the manual, but hopefully I’m overlooking it. I guess I could have another device output master sync, but really looking to control via Faderfox device.