Tascam Model 12

No real reviews (beyond press-release) or videos of this yet…

I don’t think it’s been released. Sweetwater says April.

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I was about to buy the mtk 12 and damn, see this again.

8 compressors, 2 inserts, multitrack recording and midi…
Internal FX on the MTK seem to be better and there are two extra inputs outputs to the computer…plus is ready available at half the price…completely lost here…:sweat_smile:

The one thing I haven’t figured out is if you can do basic mastering on this like a normal multitrack, or if you have to export to your DAW for that. I hope it has a few basic mastering algorithms. The mastering on the tiny little Boss BR-80 I used to have was excellent, so I would be really bummed if they expect you to export to the DAW to do that. Anyone know? There is no manual available at the moment but that would kill the whole DAWLESS application.

As far as I know there are not, you would need something like the tascam DP32sd for that.

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That’s a real shame. It’s clearly not really designed to be a proper multitrack recorder it seems. I guess I’ll have to keep waiting for someone to release what I’m looking for.

I think is more intended for live situations or jamming in the studio and latter finish work with your daw of choice.
The fact that it can control DAW via midi kind of shows this


While I was originally bummed that this isn’t perhaps the fully DAWless, MIDI-equipped multitrack I was waiting for, I am coming around to it again. I sold my trusty Mackie mixer a while back when I streamlined my studio and since I’ve got my eye on a couple of different hardware pieces at the moment, I’m thinking this might actually work for me after all. They are supposed to be released this month, right? Hopefully the manual is released soon!

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You could download model 16 manual, features should be pretty similar.

I was really looking into Tascam model 12, and use the onboard multitrack as kind of multitracking sampler to record bits and even full tracks to finish later on the computer.

But it is not available yet, so I went for the mtk 12 to see if this set up really suits me first (it really does), got one cheap second hand. The mtk12 features and extra stereo input (11/12) and one extra AUX output

One thing that both lack is Aux returns (why?), having to use a channel for that, this is were the extra channel on the mtk12 comes handy

Maybe next black friday I will get a tascam, compressors, midi, daw control, SD multitracking…those extra features are really nice.

Daw controll on the M12 seems very good for an analog mixer

“Basic external DAW control (Faders, Mutes, Pans, Solos, Record arm, Play, Record, Stop, FF/Rew, Jog) using HUI/MCU protocol emulation is integrated for tactile control of most major DAW’s.”

having the mtk12 I might just wait for a model 16 revision with midi, that would suit me even better

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The Model 12 manual is now available:


It tells me that
a) the S/R ratio is way better than that of the bigger models
b) the sends to MTR/USB can now be switched PRE COMP, POST COMP and POST COMP / POST EQ (which is fine)
c) the MODEL 12 IS in contrast to the bigger brothers (model 16 and model 24) AN ALL DIGITAL CONSOLE (p. 65 circuit schematic). Even the compressors and the EQs are digital.

Tascam has now 2 very different mixing console concepts in one very similar looking product package.


I do not care if it is all digital if it sounds good and has hands on controll.

I hope they release an updated model 16…

Interesting. I didn’t realise, for one.

I wish it had:

• Basic mixdown/mastering to avoid the DAW completely.
• Threshold recording

Neither are deal breakers though, and this thing offers a lot of bang for the buck. Next time I’m in the market for a mixer, this will be high on the list!

Looking forward to hearing user experience with the Model 12. Thinking of swapping my Qu Pac out for something like this that has multitrack overdub.

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Seriously looking into a multitracking analogue option here as well.
Though looking at Soundcraft MTK (12/22) rather than Tascam.

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I think it is going to be my next mixer/interface. I like the retro look, the portability, plus now with MIDI it’s a complete solution. And SD cards cost nothing…

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This is high on my list next time I need a mixer. I wish it had deeper multitrack capabilities, but it still looks awesome.

I was really looking forward to analog EQ :frowning:

Does anyone want to share exactly HOW it sounds quality-wise? OK, personal taste, however, say, compared to a slightly higher spec’d one, say, SSL Six or older Allen and Heath Xone 464? I’m in the market for an above mixer for summing and recording with auxes and the Tascam looks interesting.
LE: Scrap that :smile: it’s all digital. Not interested anymore. For the time being I’ll wait for a SSL Six or Xone 464.

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I like it, I must say, at least it sounds quite ok through my monitor speakers.
And it’s just so easy and intuitive.
So far, I’m pretty ok with it.