Tascam Model 12

I’d love to know how this compares to something like the SSL SiX. (analog soundwise)


Has anyone ever bought anything from ProSoundGear.com?
They have incredible prices on Tascam Model 12/16/24 bundles.

Anyone can confirm they have a model 12 working with ipad or that they are class compliant usb devices ?


Apparently it’s internals are digital. So one would be able to compare just sound “flavors” in reality. Curious myself too however.

Strange these models are so different. I want analog mixer to play feedback games without AD/DA round trips. I can do that in OT already digitally, so back to lusting after model 16 as I have Mio4 midi purposes.

I checked the manual. The internals aren’t digital.

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Cool, good to know.

Has anyone got one of these yet? I’m in the UK and have it pre ordered but obviously with the current world situation it keeps getting pushed back.
Quite excited to get my hands on this eventually, looks perfectly suited to a small home setup.

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My buddy just replaced his Motu Ultralite mk3 with it and couldn’t be happier. He uses it to control Ableton but also record and control his hardware synths.


u can still use midi sync boxes on digital multi track recorders

Is there any way to get a look at this spreadsheet? :slight_smile:

Anyone know if the MIDI I/O on the Model 12 can be used as a basic USB MIDI interface? Say I connect an Octatrack’s MIDI I/O to the Model 12’s MIDI I/O…can I sequence VSTs on the laptop with the Octatrack’s sequencer?

Its manual says (very vaguely) that it can, though its MIDI Implementation Chart has most MIDI features X’ed out. It does show ‘Thru’ though…but would like confirmation from an owner. Page 57 of the manual.

Also, I see iOS 13 is supported. Pretty cool, but is multitrack recording possible on the iPad? With some audio interfaces, and some apps, only 2 channels can be used on the iPad.


They sure are.

Not that there’s anything necessarily wrong with digital!


how did I miss that. sorry!

iPad will use all available ins/outs. Some apps only “see” the first two though. Apps like GarageBand, AUM, AudioBus work as you’d expect.


Anyone got it? I m curious about some opinions/reviews.
I would like to buy one for the next setup:

Digitakt/Digitone on the stereo inputs
Boog Model D and Arturia Microfreak on mono inputs
Meris Hedra pedal on AUX
Ocasionally my iPhone with soft synths via bluetooth

My flow would be: Jam on the machines, live record everything on the SD card.
Add the SD card to the laptop, add individual parts in Ableton, use the mixer as a controller for eventual fine tunnings.

Techincally I should have 0 latency, right? What about midi, should the mixer be the master clock for everything?


I dunno about anything else but bluetooth is not zero latency, at least in my experience.


yeah, you’re right, appart from the bluetooth*

Dang. This looks cool. New firmware out recently (?) with something called VAMP, which enables setting smart loop points. More via this YouTube video here.


I took the plunge and got one of these. I have a Qu-Pac, but really wanted multitrack & overdub functionality, and I really did not want to be in front of a computer screen while music-ing.

The VAMP function is cool but, sadly, you can’t record when VAMPing. I think you can program auto-punch for that though.

I’m also trying to figure if it’s possible, and makes sense, to use the sub mix output as an input for my SP-404. Looking forward to learning how to set up MIDI sync and seeing how well it works too.

I miss all the i/o of the Qu-Pac, but it looks like you can bounce tracks by swapping out main output into your main tracks, then erasing track/s and record new parts. Per the manual: