Technical drawings of Elektrons front panel?

I’m looking for the technical drawings or graphics or whatever for the front panels of the Elektrons. I want to design my own stickers to place on the metal chassis, but will need to keep the button labelling in tact, so it would be a lot easier to design things correctly if I had the drawings.

Does anyone know if they are online anywhere? Or can someone from HQ please share them with me? Will hopefully create some pretty nice Elektron-porn out of it. :wink:

I think you should ask directly or enquire at this site (no idea how accurate these are btw)

however, my reason to post is to ask you - where will you go to get them printed and specifically cut ? I’d like to do this for my monotribes since the v2 upgrade

imo, the PDF manuals for the machines are a good start, they have vector-based graphics of the faceplates. not sure if they are to scale though. gotta do some measurements to make sure, i reckon.

adobe illustrator should be good for opening the files & extract the graphics that you need.

How about placing an Elektron on a scanner and vectorizing the scanned jpg file ?

void and Burn Cycle - great suggestions! I’ll look into the manuals first, I’m guessing they’re pretty well-scaled, but we’ll see. Nice, hadn’t thought of that myself - thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

avantronica - I got a friend at a print-shop, he can print me lots and lots of these stickers for free. The plan is to get the exact scale printed, then just putting the metal plate over the sticker to cut out where the hole should be (I got this nice pen-like knife, which should be perfect for the job).

That site you posted a link to looks pretty damn cool though, I’ll definitely look into that as well. Thanks, man! :slight_smile:

I designed my own Styleflip overlay for my first Machinedrum. It was tough to fit, as it wasn’t 100% spot on, more like 99%. But, i got it, and it lasted perfectly fine.

got pics?

interesting thread, someone has created a vector version of the machindrum mk2 uw’s panel ?

Premonition of future thread re: replacing stripped out rotaries