Techniques that everyone loves but meh you out?

A cliche which has appeared in (relatively) recent years … the second verse of a pop song will drop the drums and most of the accompaniment while the singer self-consciously croaks away inserting an obligatory glottal stop or two, labouring under the delusion that it makes them sound sexy.


No idea what that is …, but when I was 15 I ran away from my Black Forest foreign exchange family after accidentally walking across freshly poured, school hall, concrete flooring and not wanting to own-up / bring them shame. I boarded the first long distance coach I could find. This reminded me of looking out the window wondering where I might be going :grimacing: #flashbackwednesday

A glottal stop is when a letter in a word such as the t in bottle is dropped so it sounds like bo - el… like the way London Cockneys talk. It’s a deliberate affectation and I absolutely detest it.


Yes, what you’re hearing is the result of laboring for 36 hours over a generative Max patch


100% this, i loved psy untill it became the same track over and over again.


I could have written this. I’ll add one: the aversion to keyboards and any hint of musical technique. If those expressing this sentiment produced music to match what they denigrate, I would be all ears. Alas!

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“Clap” sounds. The worst and most unusable part of any drum machine’s sound palette.


4 on the floor hard techno, pointless grating kicks hammering you over the head. Sure they get people moving, i just find it tedious and boring.


I hear you, I have that with… snares :see_no_evil: although we might be stretching the boundaries of the original question somewhat :joy:

Somewhat more OT:
Those repeating/rolling hi hats that (I think) trap popularized :unamused:


Trap was okay for me, but when every single top 40 song had to have fucking trap hats, ugh.


It’s really bizar to me how that shit seems to have spread throughout populair music, like it’s the giant hogweed in my garden.

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Did a quick search to see if mentioned and don’t see: lazy ‘post-rock’ guitar-playing is one of my least favourite sounds/techniques.

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Post rock in general is boring as fuck

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Exactly! It’s always when I’m investigating fx pedals, it seems guitar-youtube is either blue-y rawk gumph or all the post-rock tropes - ugh

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Kind a fun track, imho

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Four on the floor is a very common technique to start/sequence a beat and rhythm of which other parts of the music follow upon. DJ world has plenty of that and it seems popular with many people on the dance floor or otherwise. Another example is where users like to output sounds with a lot of FXs and reverb added - great to some. not to others. If you do not like it, you can choose not to do it or listen to anything that’s using it, but why a need to single out stuff like that (meh to you) for this treatment? It’s almost like another “one man’s meat is another man’s poison” type of thread.

I firmly believe that the music world has enough space for all manner of polyrhythms and techniques to get along.


It’s exactly that sort of thread. Opinions, cilantro, take it as a ribbing in good fun :slight_smile:


it’s such a tragedy how that genre was ruined by godspeed worshippers

My name is Matt and I love post rock, i’m sorry for all my guitar playing and my love of GYBE… I’ll try harder next time.

Admittedly it did get a bit trite and I won’t deny being called on it in a review a few years back. :man_shrugging:t2: Kicks rocks . :slight_smile: