Techniques that everyone loves but meh you out?

drummer here.
i usually don’t care about tuning the drum sounds, but toms are the notable exception.
tom grooves work much better when toms are in scale.

another notable exception is 808 kick. sometimes you definitely don’t want it to be in dissonant interval to bass.


Oh man. Goosebumps again :smiley: I had this album on play-repeat for some time.
Techniques schmechtiques :blush: Sam is great storyteller and never fails to bring emotions into his productions.


I really really don’t like modern drum and bass drums, where everyone seems to use the same 2-3 snares along with extremely de-emphasised percussion. Just punchy kick and punchy snare. Sometimes literally a 4x4 pattern but alternating kick and snare too.

The hell happened to those awesome syncopated drum beats and sampled breaks?


Oh man, this was the worst in the 2000’s.

I see where you’re getting at. If you’re writing weird suspended and diminished chords, you might need a safe chord here and there. But yes, seventh is just a “bigger third”, definitely gets the same thing across if it’s all over.

Good one, nobody cared about this back in the day.

Big Watts fan but yeah… Can’t stand it.

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I’d like to see someone write and post a song now that omits every technique listed on this thread


Drum and bass has really taken a hit from the overproduction craze…

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Whoever smelt it, dealt it.


I’ll agree, but give Ceephax Acid Crew an exception. His key changes are amazing.


even in diminished? ))

It’s overproduction, and it also goes hand in hand with the homogenisation of a lot of mainstream dance music.

I blame the audience on that one. I used to think it was just lazyness on the part of the producers, but Ive since spoken to someone who actually is a producer and DJ for a living. He’s told me he’s essentially forced to move with the genre, despite not liking its direction, because if he doesn’t he won’t get booked and he’s got bills to pay.

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trap beats
one of the worst things that happened to hip hop. I love the sound of the TR-808, but please, not in this way


Sequencers. Especially sequenced drums. Even the finger drumming against the table is better. Seriously.

Yup :+1:

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Can’t stand it.

Hehe, that would be cool. Let’s go for it?

Trap snares


303s. Can’t stand them. Squelchy nonsense.

Anyway, challenge time! (Piggybacking off @Martebar):

Who can write a 3-5 minute track with as many of these most hated things as possible? :grinning:

(Be careful, you might end up with a number 1 on five continents and forever be known for it)


Burn the witch! :laughing:


How about this:

Overcompressed track using only amen breaks (Yes, also for melodic content unless it’s not arpeggio in pentatonic scale). Allowed fx: Shimmer reverb and stutter.

I bet this exists somewhere already :slight_smile:

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