Techno EP made with almost only elektron boxes

Hej fellow elektronausts. :upside_down_face:

Last weekend we released our first EP. The EP contains 6 techno tracks and is almost only Elektron boxes, so I thought it might be interesting to share with your guys and hear what you think? :slight_smile:

Streaming services:




Nice! Would be interesting to know which boxes :wink:

Really nice and congrats on the release!
Would also love to hear some insights production wise and how you uses which box.
I can imagine the other fellow nauts would like all the nitty gritty details! :sunglasses::pray:

Aaah yeah sorry. :smiley:
We use a different combination of boxes for each track. But the ones we uses is: Digitakt, analog four mki, Analog rytm mki, Octatrack (sold now), Erica synths DB01 Bassline, Roland TB03, Behringer ms1 and Behringer model D.
We usually make one or 2 patterns on the machines and record the sketch into Logic pro. Then record layers and new patterns on top, so its a kind of hybrid solution. We never managed to finish any music when going completely dawless. :smiley:


No need to apologise! Thanks for the inside! We got a similar workflow, though. :+1:
How do you combine audio and MIDI?

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I’m not sure I understand your question correctly, but we mostly use the internal sequencers, connect all the machines together with midi cables and then just send midi start and stop from Logic pro. We never use midi inside the daw with VST instruments, not because they doesn’t sound good, but simply because we love to twitch knobs and buttons :smiley:

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Cool, really nice quality stuff…bought it! :slight_smile:

I´d have made the reverb on the clap the same like on the clave. It´s a little bit too bright but just in my opinion.

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Really nice work! If i could offer one piece of feedback is that (to my ears at least) the tracks sound a little muffled, I kept wanting to hear the hats and top end in general cut through the mix a bit more but otherwise great tracks.

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Great thanks. :slight_smile: and thanks for the feedback, we really appreciate it!

Thanks! really glad you took your time to listen to our stuff. We are constant working on new stuff and trying be better at producing and mixing. :slight_smile:

Do you use midi to sequence inside logic or do you record everything as audio?
I prefer hardware too and the only the VSTi from a VIRUS Ti. So most tracks consist of recorded audio.

No, we only record audio into the DAW and then “remix” our self by splitting up audio files and putting different effect VST’s on it. :slight_smile:

Do you have any released music I can listen to? :slight_smile:

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Awesome! It’s always fun to take an idea to another level and make it a final song.
There was a threat recently on turning jams into tracks and how to choose the right pieces to work with. Very interesting concepts, wondering how you go about selection?

And yes, I got stuff online, not gonna spam this post, though. I’ll just leave this link to the latest techno live set
Listen to SYNCED BOXES, a playlist by Andreas Roet on #SoundCloud



more cowbell!

Seriously, it’s great listen. The mix sounded fine on my headphones.

@Nowhere, How do you structure your songs? Is it improvised or is it more intentionally composed when patterns change and elements come in and out?

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good stuff!

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Thank you. :slight_smile:

Thanks, I’m so glad to hear that. :slight_smile:
The structure of our songs is more or less improvised, it’s still something we’re working on and try to learn from other artists, but for us, it’s about what feels right in the song. :slight_smile:

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I can’t say we really got a recipe for how to select the right pieces, but for us, I think it’s important to have a strong idea before we record anything into the daw. Sometimes the idea isn’t that good and we have to work a whole lot harder to get the track done, but I guess that’s just how creativity works, sometimes you have to force it a little bit and go on for hours. :smiley:

Great stuff, really impressed! do you record your jam’s in separate tracks and mix it after?

sounds sick…right up my street.

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Thanks! means a lot to us. :slight_smile:

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