Techno/Pop Project FITNESS (A4 & RYTM)

Hey guys I just released this song and video today. Most of the leads here are A4, and RYTM is used on snares/HH and some aux stuff. Most of this was done before I purchased my Elektron gear so hopefully future music will be exclusively Elektron!

Let me know what you think…

Nice dose of 80’s inspired synth pop!
Like the way you’ve left plenty of space & not been tempted to cram too much in.
Cool concept for the video too.
Really enjoyed it!
You releasing it yourself or thru a label?

Cool song, cool vid :+1:

hmmm this is fantastic. i love synth pop and grew up on depeche mode and this is a great homage to them, while still being modern and unique.

Great vocal processing as well. Any tips on that? ; )

Thanks so much, guys!

This song will be on an EP coming out late March/early April on the Brooklyn label GODMODE. I used to be in a rock band called Mr. Dream, so this is my first foray into electronic music.

i enjoyed that!

nnice! :slight_smile: really enjoyed it

great work man, the mix sounds great and the video definitely enhances the song further. can’t wait to see & hear more