Techno with Micromonsta 2

Thank you very much. I promise it’s not self deprecation when I say that I barely have any idea what I’m doing. Currently just sort of aping the sounds I like :0)

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that’s sometimes how magic happens, isn’t it ? :grin:

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I love the MM2 and I’ll probably never get rid of it, but I have to admit there’s on thing that it doesn’t do well for me: I haven’t liked using it for bass much. It might simply mean I need to spend more time with it… I’ve failed to make nice punchy bass patches with it. I think it’s the envelopes, perhaps the curve of the decay stage? Or maybe it’s just a “me problem” :slight_smile:

I’m mostly using it for chords and atmospheric pad-like sound effects. I love it.

I’m interested in hearing if others make good bass sounds on it. For techno it might work well, but techno bass not really my area of expertise

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dunno yet about punchy basslines but it works nicely for acid ones !

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My Apologies if I didn’t get the core of the question, I didn’t want to get fun at you.
Got a bit biased on the usual questions “this tool for this genre etc”…

I had the MM2, used to play with other synths, sold to fund other tools, but yes, I did it a kind of techno with it. Had fun due to its features and voices, was useful to obtain some kind of sounds, but nothing that couldn’t be doable with several other VA synths.

Just wanted to share my personal concept, that techno can be made with any tool.
There shouldn’t be any constrain with the term of techno and the tools used for, I mean, MM2 for techno? yes of course, surely there are people doing techno with MM2, as there are people doing other music genres with it, but the same is valid for other tools.
I mean, I would try to make techno also with some instruments that aren’t usually used for, so who cares.

If you just searched for some shared experiences from other fellas about MM2 and techno, nothing to say, ok fine.

Anyway, why the “don’t” over the laptop, mic and scissors?
Try to rec anyhting, even noise, and use Ableton’s simpler to get small waveforms and use them as oscillators, even with poly sampler feats, modulations, filters, fx chains…create drums etc, it’s perfectly doable.
Get some Niederflur minimal techno around 1999/2001 (there are some other examples about minimal techno that I don’t remind now), here we are.

With OT too, somewhere in the forum there’s a contest thread about sampling the OT internal noise with some awesome techno tracks posted there. :slight_smile:


no problem man :slight_smile: I understand your point (to be honnest I don’t like that kind of questions neither)

I totally agree you btw : techno was all about being innovative and trying to be unique. if everyone was using the same instruments that would be boring. (since the early days there have been (repeatedly) periods with dominant trends (from Minus to Drumcode to name 2 of them) and most of the tracks tended to look the same…)

Yes i did :slight_smile:

I was just “badly” kidding you :smiley: I used to to take that kind of challenges too (and I am a really big big fan of Dave Mech’s videos btw)

I don’t know Niederflur well, gonna listen to him now! (I’ve never been much into “minimal techno” (only Robert Hood))

I have anoter question for the MM2 owners (but it doesn’t really deserve a new thread) : as I told you, I bought it cause it was a nice opportunity but I was first aiming to get a Digitone (to own the Digi Trinity). Would it still make sense since I have a MM2 now? (My current setup is DT/ST/A4/MM2) ? Any overlap ?

haha I feel your frustration reading through this thread :laughing:

Unfortunately I seemed to be on a real spacey cinematic bent when I had mine - I didn’t record a single piece of techno with it! Lush synth though - it’s easily as capable as synths twice it’ size and price. I have prophet 08 for these duties now but I don’t gain a whole lot tbh. Great buy!

I’d say it doesn’t have much overlap with a Digitone, personally - sonically they are quite different - and I feel they’d occupy a different space in my setup. The A4 might be more comparible but you can’t do big multitimbral chords with it - so depends a bit on your needs! I’d say there isn’t much crossover, but it depends a lot on what you’re trying to do.

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Why didn’t you say “yes there is a big overlap”, that would have been helpful to control my GAS :rofl:

More seriously, I will then continue to keep an eye on the Digitone. And then, I promise, I’ll stop. (or not)

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Haha, to be fair there could be a lot of overlap, it would depend a lot on how you deploy each piece of gear. Technically my Digitone has overlap with my 303, but I treat them completely differently.

DN is great haha

I would say so yes. I used to have a DT/ST/DN and sold my DN to buy a MM2. Given the capabilities of the ST and DT, I mainly used the DN for polyphonic stuff such as chords and pads. There are few reasons why I prefer the MM2 over DN; though I don’t have an A4 so keep that in mind:

  • 2x6 voices vs 8 voices: With MM2 I can create a 3-note chord with unison and still have 6 voices left for a lush pad.
  • Filter drive and character: DN has overdrive but the drive on MM2 sounds way better imo.
  • More modulation options: 10 slots on the matrix wheel per sound vs 2 on the DN per track. This really comes in a handy when you want to add some movement to your chords and pads.
  • More filters: Notch, phaser BP and 4 different LP filters + EQ
  • With the DN I found it challenging to escape the FM world. For me it’s just easier to work with wavetables and the osc types vs thinkering with operator settings. Especially for the pads, there weren’t many presets that I liked on the DN.

For the monophonic stuff I would say that there is a fair bit of overlap with the ST. On the other hand, for polyphonic stuff there is also a lot of overlap with the A4. I’d say that definitely don’t need a DT, ST, DN, A4 and a MM2; that’s just overkill in my opinion.


thanks ! I think I will be easier for me to don’t buy a DN than to get rid of my lovely A4 :heart_eyes:

You can hear some MM2 + Digitakt tracks here

Also, some other snippets (as well as full live sets if you check my linktree links) here:

Not exclusively techno - I also dive into other genres. But I would definately go for it, MM2 is a great synth.


really cool live set ! I’ll listen to it fully later today :slight_smile:

(not sure to see it correctly, what is the box on the (your) left of the DT ?)

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that’s a Faderfox UC4, I use it to control some parameters on the Octatrack :slight_smile:

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