Teenage Engineering PO-32 / Microtonic

NAMM is over, and some of us have already received our PO-32 tonic bundles.

I’ve never used SonicCharge stuff before and I was pleasantly surprised to see that it’s available as a standalone app when I received the download code with the PO-32.

There’s a bunch of little visual layout things about the Microtonic UI that make my eyes bleed, but for every one of those, there’s some thoughtful touches. You can just tell it’s a labor of love, and I dig software with a bit of soul. I like how I can switch tracks simply by typing 1–8 across my keyboard. Same thing with the A-L patterns. It’s no Nord Drum… but as MIDI or sample fodder for a Digitakt, it would be pretty slick.

Oh, yeah. There’s a Pocket Operator that came with it. Very cute. But right now it’s all about exploring Microtonic. I see that patterns are transferred from Microtonic to the PO-32 in half-batches at a time. That’s fine. Now I have a way to save, transfer, and backup sounds and patterns.

Microtonic enthusiasts, what else am I missing? And for everyone else, have you discovered any cool things about Microtonic since playing with the PO-32?

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I’m totally blown away by the PO-32 in that package. It’s so much more than Microtonic, because it’s got the 16 FX (recordable per step and playable live on top), and the two “p-lockable” knobs for morph per channel and pitch. Crazy stuff. And you can use Microtonic for sound-design as a starting point for patterns. But right now, Microtonic is much more limited than the PO-32, even if it has double the channels.

Someone here said “Pocket :elmd:” and he might be right.


There’s some things you can do in PO-32 that you can’t in Microtonic, such as trig-less parameter locks which is pretty cool.

Also check out patternarium if you haven’t already for a supply of ever evolving beats.

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This is not possible at the moment. AFAIK the creator of microtonic is trying to solve this problem though.

Man I need to open up that microtonic, just been messing with the PO32 as it is… too much fun

Scripting functionality. You can find some useful scripts on sonic charge forum.


I downloaded MicroTonic and fiddled with it a little but I’m a bit surprised to find that I don’t feel the need to really figure it out yet. Even just with presets the PO-32 is a beast. I’ve never owned a :elmd:, but pocket :elmd: sounds about right.

When I do crack it open I’ll probably focus on melodic sounds. Making chords with this thing should be interesting and I’ve noticed that when you p-lock pitch it often does some interesting kind of acid-y slides.

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I love the initial sounds on the PO-32, so since I can’t back up the sounds to Microtonic, I’m
afraid to change them.

Does anyone have or know of a way to “reset to factory” on the PO-32?

From the manual:

factory reset
hold pattern + write while inserting batteries to restore the unit to factory default.

Also Microtonic has the Po-32 preset.

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And I’ve seen a video (maybe above) where someone was downloading the pattern+patches and uploading them right after.
Meaning you don’t need Microtonic to save your favorite set of patterns+sounds !!

on the back of the device it has send and receive info so presumably you can backup

But you already can from the modem-like signal, recording the audio… that’s what I meant !

What was thé bundle price with thé software??
Last year there was a cheapmonday sale at their Jean store…33 % of all thé store for one or two days…
Clearly regret not have jump on thé first offer…

PO32 is not a joint project with cheap monday. PO robot was the last one of those IIUC

Ah ok

The PO32+Microtonic bundle was 125€ iirc.
I think PO32 is coming back.
Check on Microtonic Facebook if another wave of bundle is coming…

Im part of the club now!!!


How CPU hungry is Microtonic?

You have to give it at least two core 2 duo’s a week. If you use it a lot you have to start feeding it i5’s and i7’s… :smile:


I like you


I use Microtonic and love it.
Probably the closest I’ve seen to a ND2 in a plugin.
When using it is virtually not even registering on my PC CPU meter.
It is really well optimised I think

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