Teenage Engineering PO-32 / Microtonic

no. I mean the sound engines for the po-32 as a pattern :nerd_face:

Wow, the morph feature goes pretty nuts if you put say, 808 sounds on one side and Linn sounds on the other. Iā€™ve got my PO-32 blending between the 808 cymbal and LM-2 tom, and itā€™s quite a journey between the two sounds!


Streamed it for a bit the other day. Then my imac crashed :confused:

Still, I managed to get some decent stuff out of it in 35min :slight_smile:


I think so!

Lately Iā€™ve been noodling in Microtonic, running that through my Harlows or Analog Heat, and then dumping the results into OT. Fun little process and I am pleased with the results, for techno.

Hard to believe the PO-32 is now 4 years old, but then again itā€™s also hard to believe that Microtonic is now over 17 years old.

Really enjoyed watching this interview that @cuckoomusic had with Magnus. So much great background on how the PO-32 came to be, and how his career grew out of a simple custom firmware he made for the old TX16W rack sampler.


Reopening this topic to talk about a Microtonic related issue hoping someone might have a solution! I am using Microtonic in Live 10 as a replacement drum machine when I am away from hardware. I usually only use Live for audio routing and plugin management, with all the sequencing done using live-coding tools. Microtonic is triggered through MIDI, using the octave dedicated to notes (and not patterns).

As soon as I press play on Live, the Microtonic start its internal sequencer, loaded with a bazillion patterns I donā€™t need at all. How can I stop this? I just need to trigger notes, without touching at the sequencer at all.

Sure you can remove/cut a pattern but if you automate Microtonic with program changes, you will end up inevitably on a preset loaded with its own demo pattern.

The best solution so far is to NOT press play on Ableton, but wellā€¦ Iā€™m sure there should be something better.

Hit the play button in Microtonic to enable/disable internal pattern playback.

The play button cannot be used to disable the internal pattern engine. The play and stop button can be used to momentarily stop a pattern from playing, but all of this goes away after pattern change or hitting the global stop/play button in Live.

hello I donā€™t know if this is the solution, if your 16 programs (I believe) are saved with the play button, each time Play is reloaded. it is therefore necessary to remove the lock, save without play activated and put the lock back. normally with each change the play is then deactivated. I may be off topicā€¦ sorry if itā€™s unclear i use Gtranslate :wink:

Right now itā€™s cheaper to buy a PO-32 then to buy the Microtonic VST.

Does the PO-32 still come bundled with Microtonic? Many webstores say it does but it seems weird.

I donā€™t care for the Pocket Operator, I just want to use Microtonic on my laptop.

Nope, but you can buy a bundle with both


Thank you! I got it wrong.

You can get a discount on Microtonic if youā€™ve bought a PO-32 already. I canā€™t remember how much it was but the total was still more than buying Microtonic on its own.

Itā€™s kinda cool to have a portable device that can play back Microtonic sounds, but Iā€™d love to see it in a bigger device. Volca Drum is kinda that, I guess!

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I tried the Volca Drum but I dislike small units with tiny screens.

Microtonic is dope, I hope they will put it on sale sooner or later.

Soniccharge never have sales (had a sale once when all the money went to charity, SC is only one guy)

Fair enough

I think itā€™s worth it for both , the po32 actually sounds really good!

Cool new script for Microtonic. I got a sneak peek earlier this week from the beta forum.


Played around with this today. Itā€™s brilliant.

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Absolutely, a fantastic new script/feature.
I made a quick video on it, in case anybody wants to see it in action:


What a fantastic feature! Itā€™s made me revisit the MT, which I got as a bundle with the tonic PO, and Iā€™m delighted.

When I first got microtonic, I initially loved it, and then grew frustrated by the relatively limited editing capabilities, and also tangentially wanted it to do X0X sounds (which it can do, but whyā€¦) However, having subsequently got absorbed into the elektron/machines/working within defined limitations way of thinking, coming back to it, it feels so well aligned, and sounds magnificent; clean, strong, electronic.

Iā€™m wondering if I can just get away with using logic/laptop/microtonic & a couple of analogue synths. Will give it a go!