Teenage Engineering teaser?


Interesting! Wonder if that’s 12 or 16 tracks?
FM, tap tempo, FX engine, looks promising!

it says ‘moogfest special’ so it could be something they’ve just done for that and won’t be marketed, but supposing it will: ‘$50 drum machine board with parameter locks’ …could this be the AR killer?! :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

whatever it is, looking forward to finding out @ MIDIHack in Stockholm :slight_smile:

More info here: http://createdigitalmusic.com/2014/04/teenage-engineering-make-50-drum-machine-pictures-teaser/

Wow thought this would be just like the moog werkstatt, but it’s real! So cool!

werkstatt was plenty real

Looks cool and fun

And the only thing I wanna know is - can I buy one.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me today
Yes I can but not till September and it looks as though it’ll be $50! No midi but has provisions on the pcb for it. This looks ace

this thing really needs midi/cv

other than that, looks really cool…I would probably be interested in one even though I ordered an AR :wink: