Teenage Engineering TP-7 Tape recorder

One of the examples in the manual is to use two of them for DJing. Plus a mixer of course.

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Hey, not that far in price from the 3 digiboxes +AHFX+ octatrack :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah I feel like they could have easily put in a couple of high quality electret mics as an A/B stereo array, they can be very tiny and cheap while sounding great.

A few other concerns: I’m not seeing any mention of power supply for mics via the 3.5mm, if it can’t put out Plug In Power for small mics that would be a shame.

And I’m not seeing any mention of MIDI sync, and maybe I missed it but there doesn’t seem to be a loop function for playback?? This device would be pretty cool as a little synced looper, bit lame if they couldn’t be bothered to program this stuff in.

A far more capable set of tools for the money.

But, you know, whatever makes people happy, crack on.


Fosshure but you wouldn’t look half as cool as with TE field kit :sunglasses:

Cool is in the eye of the beholder.


£1,299. My sides!


tbf it is a gorgeous piece of design - as an object it’s lovely and I like the modernised tape approach/metaphor - I’m not the market either way so I won’t grumble about any shortcomings I see. I’d struggle to justify it at half the cost tbh but that’s a cliche observation for any TE product at this point.


well at least you can drop it on your foot and come away unharmed, can’t say that about any takt I’m aware of.


The Elektrons make a great doorstop though. I can’t see this working as well.

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The journalist angle is interesting.


weaponized samplers

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That was especially heinous. I’m not mad about the TP-7, I’m firmly outside the target demographic and there are countless affordable solutions to the problem of portable recording, so I’m hardly being denied anything due to my economic status.

I do think the main engineering achievement here is introducing motors back into a context where they’re utterly obsolete, like a field recording Jurassic Park. Overall it looks like a series of expensive repairs waiting to happen, but I look forward to seeing it spinning away on the world’s desks next to a couple of Pogs and a marble.


I wonder if the motor is a drone motor, like what the NINA uses for its knobs. I saw one of the creators of that synth talk about how it’s only recently that the motor tech has matured enough (and presumably got cheap enough) to be viable in a synth. So perhaps we might see more devices start to use them, which would be wonderful IMO. I love interfaces with proper haptic feedback.


Price aside, what a stunning machine.


If someone gave this to me I would not ask for the gift receipt, but I might ask for the warranty card.


I’m not so sure any serious journalist would be into this, catch the wheel with your finger, oops missed that sound bite, plus the build quality and reliability concerns would be an issue.

It looks ok but also a bit of a parody of itself IMHO.


hey podcasters are modern journalists… in their own mind.


That smugly slow spinning motor would get old fast.

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I don’t think they could afford it! Also they have phones already. It’s a curious way to market it tbh.

Maybe they mean YouTubers.