Tempo sync Digitakt, Mother-32 and DFAM

Hi everyone,

So I wanted to sync Digitakt, mother-32 and DFAM. I sync DT with mother-32 via Midi and disable MIDI start message on Mother so its sequencer is not starting when Digitakt’s sequencer is started.

The problem i am having i can’t seem to sync DFAM now. DFAM only advances when Mother-32’s sequencer is running and in this case it is not. I assume I need to set something else on Mother’s Assignable Output, but i am not sure what. There is not non-sequencer’s Clock option.

Is it possible to properly sync all 3 of these together without DAW or do I need additional hardware for that?



Check if you activated “Clock send” and “Transport send” This will solve your problem ^^ without that you can sequence the Moog with the Digitakt. With the Digitakt you are able to transpose the Sequence of the moog by the way. But remember: it’s not necessary which Tone is the starting tone. In the Moog the Sequence is always playing on C4 normally.

So just to clarify - do i turn it on or off those two options you mentioned? My problem is that DFAM cannot be sequenced unless M32’s sequencer is running. However I don’t want M32 sequencer to run if I am playing M32 from Digitakt.

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It has to be “On” . Sometimes it helps to remove it and than activate it again…

Okay, but how does that solve my problem? I can sync Digitakt with Mother OR DFAM, but where I am struggling it syncing all three of them while being able to play notes on M32 via Digitakt (because M32’s sequencer is always on).

Its easy: if you switch on this 2 things, the Sequencer in tje Moog starts running. In Set up Mode in the Moog Mother you should activate the clock out on the Assing out. That’s the only way. You can’t sequence the moog with the Digitakt and get clock information to the Moog M 32. What you can try, but I’m not sure if this works: The Moog M32 had an Update, where it’s possible to define, that it should not react to a clock signal. Maybe in this Mode it’s possible to sequence the moog M 32 via Digitakt and get the clock signal. But I don’t think it will work. If you wanna both machines in Sync, you have to use the Sequencer of the Moog.

So M32’s sequencer clock assign out goes into DFAM adv. input. That way indeed Digitakt, M32 and DFAM are all sequenced. But the issue is that then i don’t want to hear M32’s sequencer. The whole point of connecting Digitakt to M32 is so i can play it and sequence externally using digitakt’s sequencer and keyboard. If i doing that then M32’s sequencer is simply in my way.

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Okay in this case there is no way… You can try to setup the moog m 32 that she doesn’t respond to clock… and hope that this works and the clock signal passes… somehow. This is my only idea. Maybe this will work. But I think it wouldn’t…
Test it… but I think there is nothing would solve your problem … or you go the expensive way and buy a small doepfer case with a MIDI to CV module… for the Sync.

I’m not sure if anybody is still struggling with this issue, but I would like to share my approach to syncing all these boxes together. I’m testing it for a few days and works pretty good so far.

  • sequence Mother-32 on Digitakt as usual
  • set Mother-32 ASSIGN output to any of MIDI CC values
  • connect Mother-32 ASSIGN to DFAM ADV/CLOCK
  • create new MIDI track on Digitakt
  • set track length to 2
  • configure MIDI channel on “MIDI source” page and MIDI CC routing on “CC select” page
  • put 2 trigless trigs, first one with CC value set to 127 and second one with 0

If you hit play on Digitakt (and press RUN/STOP button on DFAM), then Digitakt should output pulse-like signal on MIDI CC and DFAM clock should advance.


Hey, welcome and I wanted to say thanks—I’d been trying for a while to get this working via synced LFO to BC/CC2 from DT, and for whatever reason it had quirky behavior, like occasionally firing trigs twice or sequencer lagging a beat,

Got a chance to try your method, and happy and grateful it’s a solid solution! (I did recently add an 0-Coast to the family, so I’d been using its MIDI channel B to trigger and accent, but glad to have another option.)