Tempo sync

this is probably more a feature request than anything, but is there any way to set the BPM based on pattern? ie when i switch a pattern it automatically resets the tempo to what is assigned to that pattern…

obviously we can change it manually… just in my set i have a few tempo changes and it would be dope just to a) not have to pay attention to when they are coming up b) have a really slow noticeable shift…

i know this wouldnt really work so well with techno, but with beats music it would be more forgiving…

I’m not 100% sure what you ask or want, but it is possible to type in the tempo for each individual pattern/row in the arranger. I guess that’s as close as OT comes to BPM automation.

But the workflow then becomes less “on-the-fly” and more “programmed”.

yeah not in arranger … i was meaning when i am playing live…
just switching between patterns on the fly…

Just in case you were not aware, you can set the tempo in Arranger mode for any given row and then jump out of and back into Arranger mode. This still may not be sufficient for your needs.