Thank you Christian @Elektron

Is it an online purchase or you’ve seen the item firsthand?

I found it online, but it’s in my city, so I can go and check it out when I will be closer to making a decision. Honestly from strictly technical point of view it would make more sense to me if the cackle was both on main & headphones out - more likely just the volume potentiometer. It’s only happening when the level is adjusted - apparently it’s not there all the time.

I’ve read that the “master volume” knob on octatrack controls only the headphone volume so it’s very possible that it’s only the fault of the potentiometer.

I can propose one other scenario to you - first off, this all depends on how much it bothers you to have the crackle in the headphones - for me, even a little was a bit maddening.

You, for much less than $100 which I think is the minimum charge of sending out for service even with only the volume pot, can buy an in-line headphone pre-amp and set the volume to a reasonable level on the OT then control volume with the in-line device since it will not impact the output volume either way - if you paid even 30 to 50 for a good one (could get something cheap for 20 I’m sure) you would still save half the cost. It really comes down to whether you mind having a small piece of gear inbetween. but headphone preamps can be very small like an in-line part.

so there is also that option. hope this is helpful in giving you something to think about.

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Thanks again for your advice - I will use headphones probably a lot and I love my gear to be in perfect condition, but I could pair it with other devices as you suggested to find a walk around - one thing I’m a bit afraid of is that if there’s something wrong with the main board of the unit - it might get worse over time. I will try to see how much of a price drop I could get from the current owner and make a decision. Again: thanks for your time and valuable input on this!

*also: sorry if I hijacked the thread, as this is not really what it was about from the start!

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Elektron support is very helpful.

My suggestion would be email them back and ask them worst case scenario of how much a new board would cost if that indeed would be the case.
If it’s just a volume pot service fee should not be high at all. They should be able to change that out in 30min.
After hearing back from Elektron about the board cost, I’d weigh the price of the Octatrack and determine from that.

A scratchy pot doesn’t mean a defective board down the line. just means a scratchy pot.

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Have also had very good experience with the customer care at Elektron Sweden. This is the Way. And to be honest this is one of the main reasons for me to drop such a big pile of money on something. To know that it will last and is even taken good care of if warranty is over. It´s so important.
Look at what people are describing Teenage their support. I would never buy a 2000Euro Op-1 Field knowing it would be a hassle getting it fixed and after two years noone does care at all.

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Thanks to all of you for all the information - I was looking at Octatrack for ages now - added Digitakt to my old MPC1000 few weeks back and I feel in love with “the Elektron way”. I think it’s time to make the jump and hope for the best. I agree that proper support is super important and the way Elektron is doing this is top notch.