Thank you Christian @Elektron

Just wanted to drop a line here to thank Christian @Elektron :pray:
Bought a second hand OT Mk2 a little while ago. The unit arrived in pretty good state apart from the headphones volume pot (too loose), and the sequencer buttons in a bad state.
I reached out to Elektron and Christian was extremely friendly and helpful. He confirmed the unit was still under warranty and offered me to send it for a look over.
In less than 10 days my OT was back with a brand new headphones volume pot, new sequencer buttons and the LCD display had been cleaned from the dust under it.
As a bonus I received the unit in an original packaging (the guy I had bought it from did not have it anymore).
As we have a tendency to complain I thought it would be nice to say THANK YOU.
I am grateful for this :pray:


This is absolutely generous and a fine thing!

I’m happy for you!
Thank you Christian @Elektron!

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That’s truly excellent customer service. Well done Elektron!


I can only agree! I also bought a second hand OT2. It was from the first batch and has the noise issue on the inputs without cables inserted. Even it was a very complex situation (without going in detail too much) he was really friendly and eager to help to find the best solution for this situation.
Thank you Christian! :slight_smile:



My experience with their service has been A+ as well!
Once had Digitone caps that let a bit too much light through and i had replacement knobs within a week!


same, they sent me a bunch of replacement MD trigs for free once after I melted some of mine (don’t ask, lol) :laughing::heart:


I had similar service to this with a Leica camera. I won’t buy any other brand now.

It’s amazing how few companies realise that if they make their customer feel that they are valuable and go that extra mile to show this, they can very easily ensure brand loyalty and improve their reputation at minimal cost.

Well done Elektron. One of the good guys.


This is what most customers in general do not understand. I think taking care about the unit that was sent to you and not just replacing it is a true sign of quality and passion.


I’m going to be sending in OT & Rytm Mk1’s for pots replacement (and whatever else they think needs doing when they open them up) soon, so this is heartening to hear! I’ve already had some helpful emails from Christian re: the process.


Excellent service!

On a slightly related note, for those who ever buy stuff without boxes, I was told in the past by Elektron that you could purchase an empty box from them. Price was reasonable too. Will obviously only really be applicable to the current line.

Thats a very small thing but it could make a big difference to some. And I can’t imagine many competitors offering likewise.


That is how I received my second hand unit.
Elektron sent me one :pray:

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I should’ve read your post more carefully :laughing:

I’m sure from memory it was an AK box they were willing to sell and post out to me for like £15 or something. Didn’t need it in the end but was nice to know the option was there

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Elektron customer care is great!

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Every single interaction I’ve had with support has been so great!


Hello everyone! I was wondering if you could help me out - I would like to get 2nd hand Octratrack, but it has the crackling headphones out issue when you move the volume knob. As far as I know it’s no longer on warranty. I emailed Elektron service (thanks Fredrik!) and learned that basic service rate is 40 eu + vat + parts + shipping. Fine with that - I was wondering if anyone here had this repair done to their unit and could let me know +/- what the parts could cost? I read on other threads that sometimes this requires the whole main board to be replaced - I assume this might be pricey. Any advice welcome! Also - I only have Digitakt for now and the level of service & customer care I received is mind blowing!


I’ve also spoken to Fredrik. Seemed like a very nice person.

Is the issue with the OT only audible when headphones are in? or can the crackling be heard through the main line outs to recording/speakers as well? is the OT mk1 or mk2? A volume pot from Elektron should be about $5USD so approx same euro, maybe less. I fixed my digi pot crackle but spent probably $25-30 on cleaning and lubrication parts so if you’ve never worked on that type of problem, for the price having a factory service might be ok (if just the pot is replaced). Shipping will not be cheap though.

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Hello Shigginpit, thanks for your reply - the crackle is only audible on the headphones out. It’s grey MK2.

I would probably suggest letting elektron care handle it, but if it is the board which is at fault be prepared for an expense that may make it more advantageous to seek out a second hand OT without this problem. Think if the board is over 100, shipping is 40 or more? VAT, plus 40 service rate… minimum 200. possibly 250. If you would pay the same for the next octatrack with working parts, I would advise against it. if you can diagnose it as only a potentiometer or an input, I would say go for it. good luck.


Thanks a lot!

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