That Syntakt Sound

I find most of the Syntakt examples and tracks I listened to sound great. Some tracks sound warm and polished, others totally scrambled and destructive, but they all sound clear, distinct and “professional”, as if they were mixed in a studio already.

The different sound palets suprise me a bit, as you don’t have as much tweakable parameters as seen on other synths as the DN for example, but it seems like the amount / combination of digital+analog machines and the analog fx guarantee PLENTY of sound variations possible.


This. The variety of machines for sound generation already make this a versatile box and I’m hearing that in all the different tracks produced so far.

I like the way it seems to easily handle various types of retro (analog, fm, 8bit, etc), yet seems ideal for more modern and exploratory sounds too.


Not really … just exploring the machines without the AFX to learn about their pure timbre capabilities and IMO I have heard anything from digital and harsh dirt to analog warmth. Syntakt provides a great and versatile sound palette.

Seems to be the machine and how to set the parameters. FM always can sound “digital” or reduction of bits and samples (TONE/BITS) …



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Holy hell! I now have a Syntakt in my possession and this box sounds FANTASTIC through my studio monitors and a sub. It’s capable of serious beefy girth but does not sacrifice crystalline highs to do so.

Hearing recordings is one thing, but cranking it live in my studio REALLY shows how the character shines here. I really believe having a bit of analog finishing in the master fx just gives everything a bit of that rich chef’s kiss (when you want it).

I’ve already started in on some sound design and sequencing, but I’m inspired by everyone’s posted songs and jams to date, and digging how the factory patterns show off everything from Chiptunes to SOPHIE-like digital mayhem to etherial ambient to beefy groovy dance tunes to crispy techno and even some jazz … lol.

As an owner of both DT and DN, no learning curve as such, just certain nuances and differences here and there. I jumped right in and started making stuff right away, and started finding sweet spots with ease.

But back to That Syntakt Sound … I think I’m in love. <3


I don’t hear it. And everything coming from it, no matter the styles, all sound very “samey”.
almost get the sense it’s stifling some peoples output

BUT, before anyone who chooses to take my head off, I have not heard it in person [I probably won’t be able to], it’s too soon to make a definitive call.

Just my initial impression to date. Looking forward to the next few months of what people do with it :+1:t6:

it sounds “mushy”, if that’s a description, to me


I paired mine with my EC4 yesterday and it was very nice:)


This. “There’s only so many times you can polish shit” is a saying where i come from. (No its not shit just the idea its very overdone).

don’t agree, have you seen that ambient jam from EZBOT? sounds totally different compared to dataline’s work. And on the flipside, one could also say that from rytm, that the stuff coming out the analog machines sounds samey.

Its the synth engines from the cycles. Hard to get away from that sound.


I have…

I want to add…
It may be that the obvious is being jumped on as it’s the most accessible. That’s why after a few months of poking and prodding, there may be some discoveries.

Time will tell.

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Yeah I think people can escape the samey thing if they want to, cycles kind of had the same vibe where you had to wrestle with some of the machines if you wanted to break away from the built in character of it. I think audio rate lfo to amp was one if the best ways atleast on cycles but yeah certain machines are hard to break away from the core aesthetic of the sound. Clearly plenty of tools here so a part of it is just how the machine naturally guides people in a certain direction.


Fortunately they have it so easy to fix over time this “same sound” it has, at least on the digital part… please add more synthesis types!!


I’m right there with you m8.

It feels like the timbres are there, I just need to learn how to coax them out

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About the ‘‘samey sound’’, I would say that most of the time, the first jams from people are to get acquainted with the device. So, they don’t go into exploration territory. With time, gems will emerge.


The hi hats tho….’cringe’


Elektron: please add the bass width filter to the analog machines. Too many similar frequencies occupying the same space when doing kicks, basses, and low register sequences. Want to clean all that up

But yea. ST sounds incredible to me


Agreed. Idk what it is about it, but they sound so lifeless

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I think most drum machines throughout time have been pretty “samey.” I don’t know how else you would describe 808 or linndrum.


Wouldn’t that require an update to the hardware ? Not sure, but to me it seems likely that it would.

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