The AABA Challenge: Let’s Make Bad Music!

Also a sat on the floor jam (rainy bank holiday Monday here), AR+A4, tiny bit of compression in Ableton afterwards.


Really nice! I like the vibe and structure. I also think you made good use of panning & stereo. The LFO panning on the arpy siren-like sound that starts at about half way was a little disorienting since it went on so long. Overall, great work, thanks for sharing.


That is a super helful note, thank you. I had that panning LFO in the same perf macro as the sustain and FX sends. I’ve move it to a separate one now, so I can do a short burst of panning, and not induce motion sickness!

(It really helps 'cos my goal now is to put 3 tracks together for an EMOM, and this is one of the ideas, I don’t want to make anyone physically sick with panning!)


it’s been awhile since messing with the a4. after taking it off the shelf this evening and plugging it in, i found some messed up or smudged pixels in the display. nooooo! i also found a pattern that i thought was lost. turns out i’m just not good at managing projects and kits on this thing. anyway, here’s a simple semi-evolving pattern with just a couple of parts, some automation via overbridge in ableton, and minimal effects and eq.

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khaled said i should make another one.

EDIT: Oops, replied to you by mistake, Octagonist. Sorry!

I’m now listening to your tracks because of this accident, and I’m really enjoying it. I like how there’s a nice flow between patterns. Do you use song mode or just chain patterns? Do you record master out? Great job!

Some monomachine-only stuff. I have been digging this machine for more than a decade, but I still carelessly record hundreds of drafts like this.


Thanks very much! Glad you liked them :slight_smile:

I don’t have a consistent workflow yet. The four tracks used four different methods! One of them even uses the AR and OT arrangers in parallel, because I didn’t know about sending pattern change messages! There’s a mix of sequenced and sampled synths. I’m deliberately trying to have very few musical ideas. Audio flows from synths -> OT -> AR, and recorded into Live with the AR as class-compliant interface (not Overbridge).

I don’t think I’ve nailed it at all yet! I’m pausing this process for a month or two to make “sketches”, learning new musical and technical techniques out of the context of “tracks”.

started working on this the other day. it turned into a remix.

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“Live” from A4+Ar -> AH -> Ableton
Best I can do this week.


Is that Fela Kuit with the “well well well”?

thanks for checking out my stuff! it’s roots manuva. here’s the original:

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How do you isolate the vocals? (Sorry if this is obvious.)

This is great! I’m in a bit of a funk these days, so my output is low. I’m working on stuff, but slowly.

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ah, just download an acapella track like this one:


There is spleeter too, though it isn’t always that good. (GitHub - deezer/spleeter: Deezer source separation library including pretrained models.) I’ve used the Max4Live spleeter device a little, but there always seem to be artifacts in the “stems” it creates.


What a fun idea! It’s sorta like Jamuary but with a bit more of a framework. :grin:
I’ve kept it pretty rigid intro-AABABA for this one, and it’s sorta liberating painting by numbers so to speak :slight_smile:


not really AABA format, but this is something i started piecing together on the couch the other night. when my wife first heard this mashup, she frowned, then covered herself in a blanket and shut off the light. nevertheless, i persisted. also, ableton has been ruining my laptop this week with file indexing. with any luck, it will survive and not be molten aluminum in the morning.


channeling harvey sutherland tonight. drums and a little bass are samples from indeep’s “last night a dj saved my life,” a classic.


did a drone thing. It’s long. You don’t have to listen to it