The AABA Challenge: Let’s Make Bad Music!

This is what I managed this week. Meh. I dunno. I mean, I “finished” it. I used a sample I like. That’s as far is it goes
Drums by M:C


Well I decided I was going to leave the box behind and work on a ~30-minute set I could perform live, @AldoVino style. After a month (apparently!) of that, I never got much further than a bunch of 1-bar loops. So yesterday I sat back down in front of Ableton with nothing but my MiniLab and banged out a track in a few hours:

Maybe I’m just more productive in the box. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Ugh. I already hate it. I listened to it in the car and the drums and bass are barely audible. Except for the snare and hats, which are way too loud. Well, bad music is what this thread is for, right?


“Bad Music for Bad People” -The Cramps

Maybe not bad… but undeveloped, unrefined, good but in a not-good way…

I’ve made some really bad music personally… but even in the bad there is always a little something I find that I like. Part of the development.

It’s not bad, it’s just drawn that way.


haha… don’t beat yourself up! i’m totally more productive in the box. with hardware, it takes me way longer usually to find a decent patch or whip up something from scratch. even before doing that, i have to decide which hardware boxes to use and how, where to set them up in the first place, and then work out parts on them all. “in the box” tends to be a super quick sketch pad experience, because everything is all just right there. pop on the headphones, plop myself down somewhere, and it’s good to go.

good job getting back into it!

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Since Ableton 11 came out, I tried to love working ITB for a while. Even got me a nice deal on a Push 2.

The possibilities are endless, and that’s exactly my problem. I can’t get anything done. Yesterday, I decided to change strategy and spend some time jamming on my DT and A4. I think it does qualify as bad music, but I’m happy to say I got my musical mojo back.

jedilicious · Critical Vehicle Functions

I liked it. Maybe everyone has to make a lot of “bad” music before they make “good” music, which is why this thread is great. I am going to get back on it this weekend!

There’s a lot to like in that track. And if you focus on the stuff you don’t like…that’s the stuff to do differently in the next track!

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If this is out of place, I will delete this post. It’s nowhere near AABA, as it’s a 13 minute live jam, but it probably qualifies as “Bad”, hah. I’ve been working on this for about a month, after being inspired by Cenk’s Hor performances. I’m in no way saying I’m on his level, but I wanted to see if I could put together a mini-set, mixing patterns and trying to practice some transitions. The weird part is, I can turn everything on and go, but when I hit record, everything tightens up and I lose the flow. I guess that means I need more practice! At any rate, here’s the jam video. Cheers.


If I were are at a bar and you were doing that, I’d be into it. Keep on!

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Right on! Thanks for the kind words! I am definitely going to keep on. I’m having fun, and there are ideas flowing for the next one.

I saw that vid for the first time at the Electronic Music exhibition at London’s Design Museum, shortly before Christmas '20. It’s been on my mind ever since. It’s a big part of why I bought an AR this year!

Some great nuggets here! I rather like 8 and 9. I also like 6 - the main theme is a bit toy-like, or computer game-y but the stabby stuff around it is wicked: chunky and chopped up.

I’ve been meaning to join this thread for weeks. It’s such a great idea! I’ll go through a few of the tracks and then put up what I’ve been making this year.

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These are great! Great inspiration that quality music can be made in a short space of time.

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That’s kinda the way inspiration works for me though.

I’ll have a week where I bash out some decent tunes, then sometimes months where it’s just relentless turds. Doesn’t slow me down though, it’s like I’ve got some sort of compulsion to keep making tracks, whether or not they’re any good almost feels irrelevant.


I feel you. I do take time away but its like a magnet.

I don’t know if this qualifies as ABBA but I’m sure its bad enough for most folk. All sounds were made on the Jupiter 4. Recorded and arranged in Renoise. Cheapo lead straight into the Mac. Its a paired down set up at th mo…


This is amazing! This is your “careless” output? They’re so detailed and coherent!

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Here’s some music I’d say was bad/careless. I’m basically learning my AR and OT, learning how to finish tracks, re-learning how to mix after 8 years off, and a bunch of other disclaimers. Each one takes me about two weeks finding an hour here and there. I’m actually slowing down rather than speeding up, so a lot more practice required.


Thank you for the kind words. I shouldn’t say this is “careless” output, as I definitely put a good amount of time into making these tunes. The idea of “careless” is more the spirit behind making music. That is, to not care so much that you spend hours and hours tweaking and never getting to a point where you feel the track is “good enough.” If I don’t care how good it is, I’ll be more likely to finish and move on to the next one.


haven’t made anything in awhile, but i pieced this together sitting on the floor waiting for dinner to cook.