The analog Mixer thread - have a favorite?

Ah ok nice, I thought it was a new mixer and I was like “oh man”…haha.

I walked into a local used music store and saw a CR1604 for under $150. The guy told me all the channels worked, and damn if he was right. This one sounds better than my other one, which I definitely believe is on it’s way out. By that I mean, the Aux’s don’t crackle and go in and out, which made my reverb sound like it was being modulated slightly.

So that should carry me for a while but I still am thinking I need to look at something newer that will last longer. My issue with modern gear now is so much of it is cheaply made. Hell, even the SSL Six is a chinese make now and people have issues with the Big Six. Nothing against cheap gear but when it is a mixer or interface you just need it to work reliably and as long as possible.

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Yep its ridiculously good quality sounding and headroom for days… I´ve used Allen and health mixwizard in the past but this is just better for sure.

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In terms of sound? I can see that but flexibility - not for me. I sold my Six because it was a massive hassle to setup. For example, to get access to all it’s i/o you need to buy 2 Dsub cables, and even when you do that, it’s not like you have all these separate channels with their own EQ/compression.

For a smaller DAWless setup, that thing is dope and it does sound good. But that sound for me was not worth the hassle, especially since I like my music a little dirtier and lofi anyway.

I can set up my Mackie with far more ins and outs and effects connected to it in less than 10 minutes. I actually missed it when I had the Six…lol. I know that sounds crazy but it just shows how personal mixers can be.


All valid points. A patch bay is a must with the SiX even with a small setup like mine. Big SiX looks to be perfect but to big for my needs.

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Thanks for the great response! Have you thought about the input transformer mod? I’ve yet to open mine to see how difficult it would be, but I’m leaning toward putting in 6 or so.

Glad to see the Presonus stuff is working for you! I went with RME for the foreseeable future into Logic. I’m also tempted to hook up a Ferrofish Pulse and do some mixes through the Midas. First thing’s first though, and the patchbay should be done this weekend!

Thanks again!

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I’ve seen it and thought about how it would affect the sound but not felt it as a critical thing for now. I do have, what I believe to be a mod, the eq and inserts before direct out and that’s great for me since I often twiddle with the eq while jamming :slightly_smiling_face:.

Yes, actually very happy with the Presonus and Creamware (now Ferrofish, right?) combo. I’m running a UAD satellite only, but if I’m ever to change the interface it will be to an Apollo.

I really feel you’ve slept a bit on your Midas - hoping for a great weekend :+1:!

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I had a brief moment of excitement when I read about the Korg mixers designed by Greg Mackie. I was thinking they were a bit pricey, but could be the perfect solution to my challenge of getting a CR1604 replacement.

Anyway, I start diving in and would you believe - no inserts? No channel inserts or main out inserts either. On top of that no Aux Returns…for a $1000 mixer…

Ugh, it’s incredible how badly mixers are made now. I really feel like there is a gap in the market for a good analogue one.

I don’t need crappy onboard effects or a latency ridden USB multitrack (or worse, stereo) out. Does anyone, really use those things?


I imagine it’s sacrificed aux returns for all the additional stereo channels, as most equivalent channel channel count mixers might have returns but fewer stereo channels. Dunno, this seems more flexible?

Inserts can’t help you with.

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Yeah I don’t mind the missing returns as I do the inserts piece. Especially since this mixer costs a fair amount.

I still love my master sounds radius… its kind of dead simple but it has a nice clean sound and lots of headroom, fx send can either be pre or post, the hipass filter gives some nice ways to bring things in and out, master ISO EQ is fun and easy. Probably my only wish for it would have been some filter or eq on the fx return but I suppose you can always throw that in you fx chain.

That thing looks really awesome. Never heard of it before you mentioned it. I need a lot more channels and i/o though unfortunately, because I love those smaller DJ mixers like the Model 1. They can get crazy expensive though.

My dream analog mixer would be something like the SSL Big Six.
It’s on my wish list along with an Access Virus TI2 and Waldorf M.


I had the regular Six and sold it (listed on here too btw for a steal and nobody bought it). Nice sound but honestly cleaner than I need and the i/o is really limited. Like it is not nearly as flexible as my $150 cr1604. To really unlock it you need Dsub cables, a patchbay and a lot more patience than I have. Also the compressor on the mono channels was super sensitive to bass and overdrove no matter what I did. It was nuts.

My issue with the “budget” SSL mixers is they are super expensive and low featured for the price they are asking. I have mixed on a G console and it was awesome but I make electronic music and it’s just not needed. I prefer a mixer that drives well into the red and gives me easy routing and flexibility.

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yeah I like to play around with just a few things at once usually so I don’t mind the 2 stereo in so much, I use a patch bay to make swapping gear easy… I always though if I wanted to go a bit bigger I would try out an ARS mixer… if I had the money that is.

but now that I have a modular that has plenty of mixing options with in it I feel pretty covered.


I also have two of these, which have a nice sounds to them also… bought one as a parts unit but it works also. The EQs are a bit crackly when adjusting though so they are probably due for a overhaul at some point. Plus the wrist cushion makes you feel like a real pro.



OMG, that is super sick!!

I have the A&H GL2400-32

4 groups
6 sends

It’s in storage in its road case but I’d love to have it hooked up again.
I just don’t have the room or time right now.

It was a great mixer to have everything routed into. EQ’s are very usable and has enough features to do everything I need. Not very much noise either.

I like how each channel is its own PCB. Makes for much easier maintenance/repairs. Also has some nice internal jumper settings for moving insert positions etc…


I’ve been putting off getting a mixer because I don’t really have much space left and mixers are generally large!

I’m missing having effects sends and a decent eq, and a lot of the current mixers are too transparent when compared to something like a Mackie CR1604.

I have been looking at the Feedback Modules Mix Cr but a couple of things stop me from getting one - the limited hi/low eq and the aux sends are post fader.

Are there any other alternative small mixers with more eq functionality, ideally three or four bands with parametric mids and pre/post fader send options?

I can manage to add colour using the Pre Cr modules I already have.

I don’t need more than four mono channels but would consider pretty much anything small and compact so any suggestions welcome!

Keep in mind, those Feedback modules mixers are expecting eurorack levels for both inputs and outputs. I had the CR for a while before selling off all my modular gear. It sounds great with eurorack voices and drums but I never tried to route line level through it. You could use a module like the Happy Nerding SAM to boost and attenuate levels.

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Boss BX16 is a beast. It has 2 sends, would love more but 2 is enough.

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