The Behringer era

Maybe this is something poly?

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I just ordered my first Behringer remake but it dosent mean that i buy into the “woke” mentality.

If Behringer was a fashion company that presented their latest Abibas, fucci and hike sneakers would you love and praise them as much as you do now?

And the stories are not fiction

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Just been reading the employee reviews. Sounds remarkably like the company I work for! Would be funny if it wasnt so sad.

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4 voice Model D?. They’re hinting at it with the 4 D logo’s…

What did you go for?

the td 3


omg. A Moog matriarch knockoff.

Where do I praise Behringer and what is a “woke” mentality?

FYI I don’t own a Behringer clone and I am not interested in buying any of them. The hypocrysy and double standards about Behringer just rub me the wrong way (compare the Roland SE02 thread and the Boog Model D thread and it gets obvious that there are a lot of hard feeling involved for people)

Considering your last point: Glassdoor reviews of salty ex-employees are not a fact and that’s by design of that homepage because only salty people will use their free time to set up an account and write multi-paragraph posts to shit on their old employer. Happy people or mildly annoyed ex-employees will probably just move on.

ugh gross. Former employee with a hateboner (my new favorite word) complaining in 2013. I’m guessing that same person has had multiple jobs with bad reviews since then. It’s Uli’s company and he’s free to run it into the ground, make it prosper, and treat employees well or poorly. If or when the negatives outweigh the positives, the company will fail.

Also! Congrats on the purchase! What did you get?
I found B products to be rather cheap quality in the late 90’s early 2000’s, but they have really began to upgrade quality since the Midas purchase.

Oh the humanity. You could have pointed to the limits of anecdotal evidence without trashing the guy/girl :laughing:

ahh its just life experience at this point. Age allows me to see patterns if I pay attention. :grinning:

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Looking at this review that mentions Uli thinks he is Steve jobs and then seeing their latest Oh one more thing video…that put the review into a very clear perspective but you probably think it is the same guy, just this time around it predicts a Behringer marketing campaign a few years later :crazy_face:

lol, I’ve never looked for employees reviews before buying a synth of any brand.


Behringer is the Henry Ford of synthesisers :troll:

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how do you even sleep at night


I don’t. I use the synths at night.


Putting this here so folk can add a not too PR-ish insider’s perspective to the dialogue on this controversial company. This is no endorsement or attempt to sway opinions either way, it’s just an appropriate link for this thread and vaguely interesting from a historical perspective,

Cult of personality vibes are very strong in that video,
It’s weird.


That moustache though… :ok_hand:

Didn’t realize until now that the behringer symbol is an ear

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