The Behringer era

I know folks are going to crap on this video, but at the least it should show that there are real people who have for decades worked to create products at a company they love. No one stays at a job for decades unless they really love the work or the pay.
To be fair, I always avoided Behringer products due to the lame factor of buying cheap “knockoffs” of real gear… and the cheap silver faceplates were gross looking:-) BUT in the last few years i’ve been really impressed with the R&D and their ability to bring us remakes of gear that the real makers refuse to give us. The prices they charge are basically what the “real” version should cost. For example, an 808 is about $350 worth of parts, labor, and margin at scale, but Roland offers us some toy sized digital junk. Behringer recognized this and gave us what Roland wouldn’t. I no longer see them as making knockoffs, I see them filling a gap in the market by charging reasonable prices.


To date I have a Deepmind 12, Model D, Neutron, Pro-1, Crave and TD-3 arriving tomorow, my main mixer is the XR-18 and I have an XR12 as a submix with various other Behringer products dotted around the place too. They are all bloody brilliant and I’m sure i’ll buy a bunch of their future products too, certainly looking forward to their 2600…

Behringer are bringing some awesome products to the masses, and allowing me to have access to some nostalgic reproductions of synths where I could never afford, nor justify the purchase of a vintage original. I’m all for it.


that part when this one costumer said „Behringer comes along with the right product at the right time“ is damn true.

all in all i mostly like Ulis „punk attitude“ and the way he has scaled up his innovative DIY approach based on his early circuits for friends and musicians. took him 30 years to realize.

in the meantime…crap gear!

And how do you really feel though?

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Where do you think Roland synths are made?

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Roland has factories in Taiwan, Japan and Usa. All of those places have significantly better minimum wages, workers rights and general quality of life than main land china.

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They may have factories in many countries, but the synths are made out of Chinese components.

If you are concerned about the wellbeing of Chinese common man, you really shouldn’t buy Roland synths either.

Yeah, I guess morally I think there is some aspects to the idea of a company buying some components from china and a foreign company moving in and building a factory to take advantage of the economic situation. But yeah I own a smart phone and a laptop and a bunch of other things made in china. Its really up to individuals to decide what they think is right. Even Moog and Dsi are buying chips/components from china… Roland I assume gets some components but honestly I don’t know to what degree, I would guess they are making some parts in house also. Personally I don’t have any qualms with buying a fully Chinese made synth but I also I can see how it could be an issue for some. Claiming using components is the same as building a factory in China ignores quite a few aspects of the situation and its really not the same thing to me at least.

What if the well-being of the common chinese man keeps getting better because the world buys them all theses goods ?

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nice change of perspective and I think very reasonable thought. would be interesting to have facts.

The factories will then move to other countries where labor is still cheap :slight_smile:

With the slow rise of wages in comparison to the exponential rise of the price of living if we wait long enough labour over here will be cheap enough. Balance will be restored and we can all finally be miserable and poor. Only the boujee will afford synths and droves of peasants will go outside and play during the little free time we are allowed from the factories. 10 years from now the common Chinese man will bicker on behringer forums about the ethics of English labour and Uli Behringer will be regarded as a sex symbol

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Facts included. Click the links.

Indeed. There are plenty of under-developed countries still.

There were some large assumptions in the edit of my post. My post didn’t need your clarification, it was clear and concise.

I don’t think Roland has a Factory City with same output and cost efficiency as the world largest manufacturer of music gear.

Okay. Whose problem is that?

Chiming in a bit late in this discussion, but i don’t see the Behringer hate as unique in any way. I think it’s another unfiltered-internet-bashing kind of thing.

I have a pretty broad range of interests, and there is always a fair share of vitriol on the interwebz regardless whether the discussion regards sports, politics, religion, video games or who sleeps with who, how or why. There is always someone to blame for X. Music gear is no exception.

I feel good, I just received my Behringer td-3

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