The Behringer era

Korg, Roland, Cyclone Analogic being the exceptions to the rule, based on my purchases over the last few years at least. Also I think Elektron are pretty good at delivering full functionality at launch, I think it is reasonable that a few bugs might need fixing on such featured instruments, less so on a simple synth or drum machine, IMHO.

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maybe, I didn‘t purchase anything from them besides one boutique.
I read about several bugs on the roland mc707.
And elektron… hmm. The little term „overbridge enabled“ was the reason for many many new customers to buy their machines. Only to recognize that they had to wait more than a year for the beta version.
Not bugs by definition. still a questionable way of handling new products


Ha, yeah OB didn’t affect me, but fair point.

But I guess my point being RD-8, MS-1 and TD-3 all had bugs at launch - all very simple machines, comparatively speaking, firmware can’t be copied as easily as analog circuits :wink:



Roland may not release synths with day one bugs but ime their updates have a way of screwing up existing features in a completely clueless way. JDXI had an update that removed fx automation without even a mention and another that added a transpose feature that required holding a func button to choose key, despite the function button being already needed to mute/unmute tracks while playing the keys. Roland dont seem to have a clue what people might actually do with their gear, wouldn’t waste a penny more any any of their plastic rubbish.

I can still record FX automation on my JD-Xi?

How to spare the designer :wink:



Eurorack Crave spotted.

they should put the CR-78 in line with the crave, but with massive modulation options on the voicing

Some new behringer related drama… I doubt it will change anyone’s opinion on them. It’s just sort of a reminder to me how cool it was for roland to work with small companies like studio electronics and malekko. I suppose behringer just isn’t here to be a part of a community, they are here to do business.



oh that will save people some time looking to do it themselves

“The dark and foreboding colour scheme sucks. Who needs more dark and foreboding? Its been done!”
Uuhhhh, everything has ‘been done’(nearly of course).
But the ‘Murdered Out’ part is weird, seems like a car culture thing.
Nothing wrong with throwing a little gaffers tape on it, if they happen to keep it.

Devil Fish didn’t come up with those mods did they? They just applied the to a synth that didn’t feature them. Nothing from stopping anyone from including them in anything else…
Seems like Behringer was being nice by thinking of them and offering them good money for very little.
And stock-font ‘Branding’ being demanded to be applied to anything definitely needs some rethinking.

Is there anything unique about the circuits Devil Fish uses? omg the knobs only go to 8 what the heck

Yes, they did. Also, there’s a big difference between say, making a synth with the same building blocks as another one, and reverse engineering a circuit design to make the exact same circuit. The same way there’s a difference between having two books set in a fantasy world and actual plagiarism. (except that plagiarism is better covered by the law).

The short answer is yes. This is my personal opinion, but I find this especially rude and disrespectful to criticize a synth maker for being bothered to have his work stolen by a multi-million(probably billion) dollar company and not take the time to even look at what the product is exactly.

I’ll add that you can have your cheap synth while still acknowledging that Behringer’s business practice are and have always been downright shady and there’s a number of legal verdict and settlements with Boss/Roland to back this claim. There’s also an even bigger number of accounts from smaller companies who don’t have the legal ressources to fight back against


yep, this is the kind of attention that small modder/designer/manufacturers would probably dread, with good reason.

Yes it did change mine.
I was on a fence with getting a B synth at some point… Such story helps clarifying my position.


Thats how they do: pay a pittance in licensing or a settlement or deter the law suit with their phalanx of lawyers and make oodles of money from someone else’s creativity.

Unfortunately the law doesn’t do enough to protect small creatives. But we can choose not to fund theft.


The devil fish guy has no patens on his designs and he turns down 15 grand knowing that ? Now to me that’s just not very smart…


“What would you think if we use the RD-6 casing and sequencer and simply replace the upper section with the instruments from the CR78?”

I would think you’re copying the Cyclone Analogic TT-78.

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Same here. I was going to buy an RD-6, to kind of stick it to Roland, but am choosing not to now.
Capitalism is dog eat dog but consumers still have a voice.
This one decision of mine is not enough, and doesn’t offset my Apple products or anything like that, but it’s at least less money in Uli’s pocket encouraging him to continue to screw over the little guy.