The Behringer era

And i will look forward to getting ridiculed. If i could only get my hands on a TD-03! hehe

Avalon Bassline is inspired by the 303, not a direct copy.

We’re not discussing original 303 prices. We’re discussing DevilFishs work only.

I was kidding.

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Because wealthy people are incapable of making bad music with an og 303?, does artistic respect come included with the price tag too?. Poor people are just so tacky and lacking imagination, they should get some respect and know their place, leave the real music to the deserving ones.
If you are looking forward to ridiculing others for the music they make that says an awful lot about you.

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Not in the slightest. It has nothing to do with poverty, least of all for people “poor” enough to be able to afford non essential items such as synthesizers.

Plenty of poor people would hand in a phone or wallet they found on the street, I don’t equate poverty with lack of decency, some of the best music comes from people from poor backgrounds, and plenty of people bought original 303s from pawn shops for very low prices back in the day.

Sounds like a hollow justification that this is anything at all to do with poverty. And I’ve been poor.

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The folks who are going to buy a Berhinger 303 with the mods pre-installed are probably not the same folks who are going to spend $1250 on a mod for a synth they paid over $3000 for (I haven’t checked on their prices in years, could be off here). I do hope Behringer has some tact by ultimately dropping any Devil Fish reference in the name, but at the end of the day the Devil Fish mod is a 25 year old premium aftermarket product for a 35 year old synth

Yeah Devilfish is expensive, no doubt, but that doesn’t make it right for Ulicorp to just steal it, does it?


DFs age is irrelevant. It’s work that’s still in production and should be licensed fairly and squarely.


Or maybe they’re big Van Gogh fans.


hahahah . Go ULI !!! Don’t stop


Looking at the DF page, it seems that they plan to offer a mod to the TD-3. They’ll probably make more from that than 15k.

They keyword here in your argument with Elektron (and the likes of Moog, Dave Smith, Sequential, etc) is “assembled”.

So where do you think all the parts, like electronics, etc are being made and shipped from, before they get assembled?

Pretty much everything is made in China these days. No way around it.


Whose argument?

Anyway weve been over this in this thread already: woefully the components and parts issue is, yes, a problem. No is denying that (though buying used is a way to side step it). I hope we see a fair trade in these things in the future and I for one will be willing to support hardware made from fair trade parts and components.

However that is absolutely irrelevant to the discussion at hand which is creative theft.

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From my point of view the Avalon is inspired by 303 and the devilfish.


Was the Devil Fish mod copywrited? I don’t remember reading that so I could be off. I think the only thing he can take insult to is the possibility of his name being used without his work being copywrited. If Behringer were stealing this mod and selling a brand new Devil Fished 303 for $3000, I can see that being an issue for Robin. But speaking for myself, Robin was never at risk of losing money from me, and judging by the number of mods (306?), that’s the case for a lot of other people

AFAIK you can’t actually copyright electronic circuits, just the things like PCB layout, and artwork.

Behringer most likely bought a second hand DF and opened it up and just copied it.

Robin wasn’t at risk of losing money from me either, I do think it is an expensive mod, but ultimately it is his product, which he designed, so as far as I’m concerned it is up to him what he does with it.

Side note: I actually had a email conversation with Robin about 10 years ago, he was a bit dismissive and I thought him a bit arrogant, still doesn’t change my opinion on his work being stolen.

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Consider the numbers: a Devil Mod is 1250. If a BDevil (copyright me) is $300 DF is asking for at most $45 dollars of that. B will sell way more than 333 units of that (15k).

Creative theft is a strong word. It’s the original companies like Roland that due to their arrogance have created this market for Behringer to exploit on!

People have been asking Roland for years and years for a reissue of the TR808, TR909, TB03, Jupiter8, Juno106, etc for example.
Instead we got overpriced Boutique boxes with horrible tiny knobs, digital emulation only, half voice capabilities, etc as the original. Which no one asked for.

So can you blame Behringer for seeing a hole in the market and actually releasing this stuff people have been asking about for many years?

They still designed it from the ground up, need to put a lot of engineering effort in creating the actual product and make it sound authentic. It’s not like they can source the same components from the 70’s and 80’s, have the engineering schemas and can just refactor it. Since those components are not available anymore.
Just take a look at their two recent videos about the Behringer 2600! Then tell me they just creating cheap clones! They have been working on it for a long time, designing and building it from scratch and it’s still not ready.

It’s not like what happens in China, where corruption is very high and parts are being illegally traded to make cheap knock offs, like what happens in Fashion and mobile phone market.
That is actual corporate theft and copyright infrignment! Hence, why you can only buy it in those markets or on black market.

It’s the excuse companies like Roland have used as standard corporate response as to why they don’t want to remake/reissue their old legendary synths (i.e. we don’t make the same product twice).

Korg is pretty much the only one that is recreating some of their old legendary stuff, but at a hefty price (like the Arp2600 reissue) only few can afford!

So you can take it for what you will, but Behringer is just offering what people desperately want!

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I care naught about the 303. I’m discussing Devil Fish.