The Behringer era

What if $45 per unit is already Behringer’s profit margin? What if Robin took less percentage but over a longer time? We don’t know these aspects of their negotiations so we can only argue over speculations.

I am not arguing over speculations. The fact is DF rejected it as inappropriate and thats where it stands. If they come to an agreement, god bless (recall DF was excited about an arrangement). But for now the original creator has rejected working with B and therefore if the product comes to market its creative theft.

If reject your position as inappropriate, does that mean I’m right?

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According to you, it does. I have no doubt Uli thinks he’s in the right. DF doesn’t.

And how did you come to that conclusion for me?

I’m not sure where this is going but I’ll bite…

Aren’t you right according to you in all the rejections and agreements you make?

That is not how Behringer does it nor is it possible.
You can’t just get the old original product from the 70s and 80s, open it up and copy the engineering design.
It’s completely pointless and impossible, since those components are no longer being made and available.
Electronics design and manufacturing is completely different now.

You need some serious genius Synth engineers to pull off what Behringer is doing, hence why they bought up TC Electronics and hired Rob Keeble to help design and create Behringer 2600.

It’s completely designed and engineered from scratch. Using modern day analog components and chipsets, etc. Writing their own firmware from scratch, etc.

It takes some serious skill and effort to recreate the authentic sound of that specific old Synth they try to recreate.

You should watch those latest two videos with Rob Keeble. He is a genius and has created some impressive Eurorack gear.

Sorry, but you are wrong, as someone who has modified 303s myself I can tell you that the Devilfish mod is an extremely simple set of circuits, very easy to copy and no special parts.

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I don’t know the Devilfish mod, but I am talking about all the other synths that Behringer is recreating.
Those are very old designs that you cannot simply copy and paste in a new product today.

There is reason why Roland doesn’t bother reissuing their old Legendary stuff. You would think, if it was that easy, it would be Roland to re-release their old Legendary gear people have been asking about for years.

The difference is that Behringer is a huge company, with vasts amounts of resources. They also own all the copyright of modern instrument electronics and manufacture these components for all the big names in the industry like Roland, Korg, Dave Smith, Moog, etc.

Behringer has the actual resources to pull it off. Hence why they do it.

Yes but it is quite trivial to recreate them from the schematics, then it just a case of making any special parts, as they did with the 3340.

But that truth doesn’t market quite as well as the above promo video.

of the machines they’ve cloned so far or have on tap, none haven’t been cloned previously (OK maybe the Octave Cat hasn’t). lotta synth geniuses out there I guess.

And who do you think is using these new Behringer chips, like the 3340? Pretty much all of the big players in the market today that create Analog gear. :wink:

Again, if it were as easy as you make it out to be. Why would Roland not jump in this market and just miss out on billions in potential revenue.

Not inherently, I think. You can make rejections/agreements based on what’s in your best interest but not necessarily what you think is right.

So in this case DF rejected the agreement. They may be right, but it could also be in their best interest to negotiate other terms. But we don’t know the full extent of their negotiations, so we’re left to speculate. That there were negotiations at all should impy positive intent from Behringer - they could have just stolen everything flat out. And we don’t even know if this will actually be a product yet, so we are speculating quite a bit.

Please don’t claim im speculating cause I’m not. I said “if the product goes to market”

Im out for now.

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Not billions :joy: Roland probably don’t have much desire to redo what they did 40 years ago, because the market isn’t there. Don’t tell Uli though :laughing:

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I hope you are being sarcastic lol! As a lot of the new Behringer synths are on back-order.
Especially the Crave is sold out continuously. Every time I tried to order one, it was on back-order again. Finally managed to get one last month. They can’t build them fast enough.

On a side note. Behringer is also making some incredible original products, like the Deepmind 12 and the Neutron for example.
Those are highly praised and much loved in the Synth community today.

When he takes 1250€ for a mod, I can see, a. Why he said nay and b. Why he argued the way he did. That’s the price of an OT or a DT/DN Combo. I drove a car for years, that I payed less than half the price for.
And you said, it is a simple circuit and therefor simple to copy? Maybe Uli wasn’t the only problem in their discussion?


Its australian dollars (1250 is 750 euros) and includes installation and warranty. And its a mod he’s been developing since the early 90s.

Dont see how thats so unreasonable for a one-man boutique operation, installing about a dozen mods a year for highly valuable vintage synthesizers.

Your comparison to a used car or an off the shelf synthesizer at a music store doesn’t make sense. Not a large enough market for him to produce this mod at a large enough scale to lower the prices. Hence why he was initially quite keen to work together with Behringer.

Behringer hasnt announced any kind of clone officially. Lets hope they either come to an arrangement or that they dont bother copying this mod if they dont.

And yes, I do hope they make more originals. Had a dm6 at one point and liked it. Didn’t last tho, the pots started skipping after a while (when the synth was about 3yrs old). The comment Robin made about using better quality pots me think about that just now. Potentially all the behringer synths will end up like the Alesis Ion. Fantastic synth but good luck finding one with all buttons and knobs still working :sad:

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wonder if the 15k RWI was offered also included them not modding TD3’s in the future. and possibly discontinuing modding 303’s…

This actually sounds like a request for an exceptionally good book deal and like all the fee a sole authors would get in the best of worlds… (My last deal was 8% of retail price minus marketing cost, etc., and I did all the work.)

I have no idea about the profit margin B has on its machines, and also about how much they would sell overall of a mod version. I think 1000 synths would be quite a bit, and 15 usd per synth just for licensing is not too bad.