The Behringer era

A bit torn on the anti-semitic part. My first reaction was that it looked anti-semitic. But then it reminded me of cartoons in the past making fun of the French (snobbery, etc). If they were going for the Pinocchio angle with the long nose, they should have been more careful with the rest of the drawing.

ok i’m sure there’s nothing antisemitic about The Story of the Dishonest Boy With The Large Nose and it’s pure coincidence it was picked up by notorious antisemite Walt Disney


the problem is that even if the antisemitic angle was a complete accident, the fact that dozens of people have pointed out that it bares a strong resemblance to well-known antisemitic cartoons means that any person in their right mind would delete the damned thing and issue an apology. the question here isn’t of intent, it’s of consequence


yes - but not the other community members by implication etc - that’s the point

Behringer are fair game, but respectfully consider that Elektron are (to some extent i be;lieve) at teh end of the day legally responsible for the ‘content’ published here - so with DSI in mind - always ensure a measured critique even if impassioned if only to allow for a better discussion

if a leftwing person shouts at a rightwing person in a party the party may soon be over, they may be right to but for the sake of the party they should attempt to understand or move from one extreme - things are rarely as black and white as we argue them - but sadly this thread is polarising and will remain so until everyone turns the heat down

it must be pretty galling for Elektron to have one of the top threads on their site be about a competitor, although not a competitor in their marketspace

i wish this wasn’t sounding so patronising, but some folk do know about factory farmed eggs and still have to buy them, it’s kinda unhelpful to harass teh consumer in this equation, head to teh policy makers or the farm or supermarkets etc or educate people constructively with less shaming attached

nonetheless, the video is all kinds of wrong - their Banaheim ‘gag’ vid was quite cute but this is just seriously ill-conceived and anything but funny - it won’t happen again, that’s about the best you can guarantee, people will stop buying their gear, but it probably won’t be significant enough (because eggs) to make a jot of difference


they’ve now removed it from their Facebook page and from Twitter

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And the YT video (made private not deleted)

I wonder if that’s to minimise the backlash, returns and cancelled orders I’ve read about in a dozen places or if a statement/apology will be forthcoming…

@swanage_fan CONGRATULATIONS! You all have won!

So can we move on now… :confused:

Personally, this video sealed it for me: not buying anything from Behringer. The totality of the things emanating from that company has completely turned me off.


The YouTube video had 300+ :+1: and 400+ :-1: at the time it was taken down.

No, as I said earlier there is not a light clue that there is something anti-semitic in this.
It’s related to Pinocchio (and the fact his nose grows when he lies) and the image of French cork sniffers.

The way you think about this seems pretty weird to me. Intent is of course what you are accountable for. Not what people see.
Pinnochio is not even Disney’s creation but Collodi’s btw, so your entire argument falls from here.

This 100%. Case forever sealed for me too.


i fundamentally disagree with most of what you’ve said here pal but i’m gonna leave it, the main thing is Behringer got rightfully pasted for what they did and the offending content has been removed


All good.
Were I not a mod, I would also mute this thread, tbh.


Bully Behringer was born in Switzerland, and Switzerland was neutral during WW2 so the Swiss banks had no problem with Nazi money.

Your argument doesn’t hold up.

We did it, ‘Nauts!


i make no claim to objectivity and neither should you! it was right that they took it down.

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Next stop: the Justin Beiber YT channel. Let’s go everyone!


@digiwut We can only wish! So peace and quiet can return and we can discuss actual “Music making” related things again on this forum. :wink:

The real B-Uli shows his face? Can t stand having his company s name tarnished by a music tech journalist? What an ego he must have.

But damn, just missed the video before it was made private…

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Sure thing, the point about Elektron’s responsibility is a good one, though I don’t think anything I’ve posted has been legally dubious.

If this was a question of mere political disagreement then I’d absolutely agree with you. I’m broadly left-wing in my principles, but I don’t think every right-wing voter is inherently evil. Prior to today, I wouldn’t have viewed people buying or supporting Behringer gear as beyond the pale either.

But for me, a public harassment campaign against a journalist and indulging (even unthinkingly) in this kind of imagery is absolutely a black-and-white issue. If we can’t take a firm line on something that nasty, and against people who might try to minimise it, then what’s the point?

Anyway, if the video’s gone then this all becomes moot I guess.


it’s impossible to imagine the italian PR wizards responsible for this anti racism campaign were being deliberately racist - but they did learn pretty quickly that it was absolutely construed as racist (revealing no more than a poor cultural understanding of teh issues) - but it is indefensible when it can be easily interpreted one way as is the case with that now (rightly) pulled video - it wasn’t likely to be deliberate, but it was 100% ill-conceived from somebody with too much time on their hands and lacking in common sense - maybe an overzealous and un-vetted minion in PR trying to please Gru