The Behringer era


missed the video but wow… I’d think a company that big would have better ways to spend their resources. bet all the B supporters are happy to see where their cash is going.

anyway… reason number five billion to stay they hell away from them and everything they do.


Ok, so this public ridicule of a huge corporation vs. single person is labeled as “innocent”? This is sad.


You saw it here first :wink:

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:roll_eyes: Not in the least bit surprised.

This tipped me over from “ok with buying some Behringer products” to the “NO!” camp. There is so many things wrong with this stunt. First of all, using Kirn’s name and caricature. Then the fact that it wasnt really that funny. Making fun of vintage snobbery is ok, but hanging out one journalist is bad. Ive read some of those articles when they where written and i felt Kirn was pretty profesional about the issues. But some doesnt like anything that isnt a praise.


Ohh, someone could build a synth called B-Uli. Its a clone of a Juno clone, and if it detects a hint of negativity towards it, it gives you electric shock, while making fun of you.


I was just thinking someone should make a YT video along those lines! :smiling_imp:

In a way it’s interesting that it’s competely okay to bash Uli Behringer in any way (like many members of this forum do, as well as some synth manufacturers), but when Behringer posts a joke video that wasn’t even mean-spirited, all hell breaks loose…

definitely was mean spirited. if someone did that to me i’d have to take a few days off and probably go back into therapy

2 Likes what a spiteful move :cry:


they’re a billion dollar corporation in the public sphere, people are allowed to voice opinions on them, their products and their business practices. quite the opposite of personal attacks lobbed at an individual using the power of such a corporation.


Thank you. I’d missed it.

Completely and utterly classless.


@thomaso What is professional about writing a single sided biased articles with sensation headlines like Behringer going after poor chinese journalists in lawsuit?
Without actually vetting his sources. Without actually investigating what those Chinese journalists were writing about?

When. 1. There wasn’t a lawsuit, just a Cease & Desist letter. 2. Those Chinese Journalists were nasty pieces of scum who were personally attacking employees at Behringer and even went as far as mocking a Behringer employee battling cancer!
What you expect Uli Behringer to do if you were in his shoes? What would you expect from your boss if you were one of those employees being personally attacked?

It was the same with his sensation hit piece against Behringer and how they were going after poor little Dave Smith employees. Again, without vetting his sources and investigating what it was actually all about.
These Dave Smith employees were accusing Behringer in public of IP theft and stealing technology, without providing any evidence nor any proof!
So Behringer sent these employees a Cease&Desist letter and instead of Dave Smith himself railing in his employees, these employees ignored the C&D and continued to attack Behringer in Public!
So Behringer did what any other company would do, they had no other option left than to file a Defamation suit against these people. Any company would do this to defend themselves.

Only when Peter Kirn was called out for biased one sided reporting, without facts he then finally asked Uli Behringer for request for comment in a much later article!

A real professional journalist would have done this from the start! Hear both sides of the story and then write an unbiased article.

In Holland we have a saying that perfectly applies here: “Emptying the well, after the calf has already drown!

But you know what? Who is going to read that these days? It’s all about the Add clicks these days! People are drawn to Sensationalist headlines, which generates clicks and thus income! That is the world we live in today!

Just look at what has become of Forbes, with Gordon Kelly writing Anti-Apple articles every single day with Big Sensation headlines to generate clicks! I just got fed up with it and had to blacklist Forbes from my newsfeed, as I couldn’t stand the sensation nonsense anymore. As those articles were absolute garbage. :frowning:

Again. I am not condoning the video they posted today. It was a poor sense of humor and totally unnecessary. All it did was giving more fuel to the Behringer haters and that is exactly what happened, since it got taken completely out of context and the media immediately jumped on it like hungry sharks!
So unfortunately Behringer has nothing but themselves to blame for that debacle today. That’s on them.

But I guess, when you are under constant attack, eventually someone is going to crack under the pressure and does something stupid.
Just look at what happened to Elon Musk with his company Tesla being relentlessly attacked by the Big Oil day after day. He did plenty stupid in public.


Have you even seen the product that they mentioned? The cable tester??? If you can honestly say that they dont look identical exept for the color, then nothing you say will have any value. Because that proves you either lie, or just blindly follows Behringer no matter what.


Today? Seems like all week they have been attacking him.
Cruel, unprofessional, childish antics.


Nope. Most small companies know they can t afford a legal process against Behringer so they don t.

Also, B-Uli proclaims not doing anything that is forbidden by law. What he doesn t say is that something can be legal but morally wrong.


And asking their fans to participate.


Absolute eejits. But you can not expect compassion from people that spread none :man_shrugging:. Will never buy behringer.


@dtr If a small company has patents, they darn well dare to sue a big company.
In fact, that is how many patent trolls work in the US. They are all small entities acquiring/buying up patents and then going after the big boys for money!
Especially when jury’s are involved. Being a small company can actually give you sympathy advantage.

When it comes to patent free technology and decide what is morally wrong or not. Well I don’t know what to say really. Good luck in finding any product that isn’t tainted in some way or form.

Like I said earlier. Stop buying and using any mobile phone and stop driving any car then. Since Tech companies and car manufacturers are the “true” masters in reverse engineering!
They have been doing it since forever! It’s how existing technology evolves and gets better.
There are entire independent businesses out there thriving on reverse engineering and selling it to rival companies.