The Behringer era

25 posts were split to a new topic: Debate on unintended racism

The thread on Gearslutz regarding “Kirn sniffer” got deleted. And the apology on Facebook (probably because of to many negative comments underneath it)

More moves that shows they can’t handle critic.


They probably got over-run with negative replies. They deleted my reply on the post, even though i added “no offence” :smile:

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can you please show me which part of this article is Kirn attacking Behringer? serious question. I’m not seeing it. he’s commenting on the news he’s reporting a bit, but not really “attacking” anyone/anything. but I’m just curious what someone else would be offended by in it…


I cant see how a huge company like B would actively choose to be openly anti semetic. that would be completely nuts. thus imo its clearly just really clumsy, and a massive error of judgement.
not to mention unfunny…and sh1t :smile:

For me its plain bullying. unwarranted and completely unnecessary. they aint getting another penny of mine. woop \ :)/


Right, okay, so we agree on all of this. The only thing I think you’re missing here is that the image still functions as an anti-Semitic artwork / object, even if that wasn’t necessarily the intention behind it, or the people involved weren’t themselves consumed with hatred.

I really, really think it’s important to label racist things as racist, regardless of intent, and I think it’s a bit of a blind spot on your part not to. But anyway, whatever, maybe we’ll just always disagree on that point.

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That’s what they meant by “special relation” with kirn indeed. It built up to the stupid situation it is today, leading to stupid videos we saw.

The whole article is an attack on Behringer, a legitimate one. What is disclosed is a rather shady practice.

We can congratulate B-Uli for bringing the many-faceted racism and discrimination topic to music tech forums. That was his mastermind scheme all along. B-Uli for president!

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Why don’t we just boycott them? They want to play bullies, let’s show them that the community does not accept it, whoever they might be…

A post was merged into an existing topic: Debate on unintended racism

I don’t see that at all, but OK.

I just dont see the anti-semitic part of this. Bad taste, yes… bullying, yes… anti-Semitic, no.

I thought they were reffering to someone being posh and sniffing corks, hence the long nose. I did not in any way or form think of a Jewish person when seeing this picture.

I might get flack for this, but I feel like this is people projecting something that just isn’t there. Basically a tiny sliver of cancel culture. I personally think that it does more harm then good. But that might just be me…

If any person of Jewish decent feel like this behringer post Is directed towards them, then I redact my personal thoughts on this matter.

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I’ve been (silently) boycotting them for a while. And a bunch of people have stated the same in this thread, especially after this action of theirs.

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Part of professional communication is anticipating that.


Well, yeah that’s true though.

A marketing departments job is to rev up hype for a product. This thing is just silly and super unprofessional… anti-semitism aside, this is not a good look for Behringer

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I couldnt care less about cloning vintage. I didn’t love the economies of scale but still anticipated a Synthi. Then they started ripping off modern manufacturers which sealed it for me. I don’t see this video as a far leap for someone I saw then as devoid of integrity.


I had been lazy to go through the thread to check. I am glad that people suggested to boycott them. Thanks for the heads-up. That is just what this Uli bloke deserves.

“Ironically, this is more effort than they put into some of their actual product introductions.”