The Behringer era

Hi. I’m just going to re-post this from earlier in the thread. My heritage is a.) none of your business and b.) not actually relevant, but hey.

I still haven’t received any kind of response to this point, and would love for someone to address it with reference to something other than “oh but I don’t think Uli’s actually a racist though” which, for the billionth time, isn’t the point.


There’s already a Cork Sniffer pedal:


Even their spiteful attempt at “humour” is a clone.


I didnt think of it as racist. I didnt know Kirn is a jewish name, or that there was a history of anti-semitic cartoons out there. But after seeing that caricature, and behringers Kirn drawings side by side, i see the link.


I thought the cartoon was just a caricature , you know… Goscinny : Iznogoud, Asterix etc ? They all have big nose and funny face.

Anyway , that video was bad taste really.

edit : yeah, weird move really.

It’s an extremely racist and anti-Semitic cartoon. The fact that Behringer thought this was smart or funny is deplorable.
I’ve had my reservations about the company in the past (they’re seriously incapable of creating a novel concept, all they do is steal), but this whole situation has solidified my opinion of them as total scum. I’m sure not everyone who works for the company is a bad person, but how could anyone in good conscience see what the higher ups were doing in this situation and not speak out about it? Yeah, fuck Uli Behringer, but also fuck all of the people in R&D, marketing, etc. who sat by idly watching as their company became a beacon of hate.
Will never be buying on of their clones, even if they are cheap

Edited for spelling


Yep, read the article and seen nothing! Except reporting of other people’s comments. Not a single ‘attack’ from Kirn. This is amazing isn’t it?


It’s kinda funny how they can’t even offend someone without ripping someone else off.

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it’s too funny.
oh the irony.

Dunno man… The similarity with the ‘Happy Merchant’ could be accidental, but are kinda hard to unsee…

(Screenshot from


as are the similarities to said pedal they ripped off :smile:


Responding to something one feels is unfair can be done without resorting to a childish and borderline anti-semitic attack. This was not a reasonable response.


It’s not an attack. It’s REPORTING. There actually IS a difference. Kirn reached out to Uli for a statement and when he didn’t get one, still reposted the statement from Behringer that was posted publicly elsewhere. That’s how reporting works.


What i saw was a caricature just like this one by one of the most known cartoonist.
By definition a caricature is defined as a picture, description or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.
Like i said earlier, very bad move from Behringer but it doesnt mean it was racist.

Anyway that was bad taste and it will do them no good.

The absolute galaxy brain take of saying “caricatures can’t be racist, here’s my evidence” and then pointing to Iznogoud is just… wow.

Really just spectacularly cool for you to have picked a cartoon written by a French man in the 1970s about a murderous Arab obsessed with overthrowing the nearest Caliph, who at one point is captured by a bunch of thick-lipped cannibalistic Africans. Absolutely no way whatsoever that anyone could look at that and wonder whether, maybe, just maybe, exaggerated cartoon caricatures of the type peddled by Goscinny or indeed by Behringer might accidentally end up being, y’know, a bit racist.


Who said caricatures can’t be racist? I didn’t see that quote.

It was a stupid petty childish silly thing put out by a marketing department who should know better.

I doubt it was meant as anything more.

My point is that this kind of article is seen as an attack from the Behringer point of view, and is absolutely a threat to its reputation, no matter how you call it (and no matter how well deserved it is actually :wink: ). I know how reporting works but thanks anyway :smirk:

Reporting the truth of events is merely telling a story as it unfolds. To see a report as an attack is a very disturbing frame of mind.


Djeez it’s really a rip off! I can’t believe from how many angles this whole thing just looks so bad for B…

The biggesst question is: what vintage?