The Behringer era

I’d bought a K2 when it was first released and since the KIRN saga unfolded I haven’t been able to look at the thing without my skin crawling. So I sold it. Sure I still gave my money to them but at least I don’t have to look at it every time I feel inspired to make music.


I don’t have any such symptoms. My Deepmind still sounds epic as does my RD-8.

It’s not about the sound.
The most of us can’t tell the difference between analog and digital just by listening.
It’s about taking responsibility in ethical and political manner.
Now, more than ever!


I have no idea what you are talking about. I think you are taking this way too seriously… it’s just synths man. My suggestion is to chill and enjoy all the gear options we have these days. I know I do.

Nope, you don’t.

yeah “chill and enjoy” your stupid cheap gear!

Why not? I can’t afford expensive gear so I enjoy what I can get - and these days I have lots of awesome options thanks to Behringer.

If you can afford boutique stuff, good for you, but you are not in a position to criticize others.

I really can’t hear this stupid “I can’t afford” argument anymore.
Let’s leave it there.

If you don’t have any arguments, you can just refrain from posting. No need to post then.

oh I have enough arguments to discredit your selfish, unreflected cheap-buyer-mentality. I just don’t wanna waste my time on this kind of stupidity.
btw. I am a free person. I can post whatever, whenever and however I want!
so gfy!

Not sure what’s making you so tense but you got that right. I am selfish when it comes to my money and I rather buy cheap than expensive stuff if quality is on same level. I’m definetily stupid like that, if that’s how you define stupidity.


None of Behringer’s cloning has bothered me yet, but Maths is a step too far in my opinion. I don’t even own a Make Noise module, but they are far from the Rolands and Korgs of the world. Just last night i met a Euro manufacturer from a who had to pivot to standalone/pedals because it was so hard to make a buck in that saturated euro environment, and he was the sole designer/builder/seller/marketer of the business. Behringer cloning could really hurt these small companies - and it wouldn’t even add much to their bottom line. That said, i have zero problem with Behringer getting into eurorack - just don’t copy other euro companies, or at least put your own spin on classic modules rather than outright cloning them.

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I’ve been saying it for years- behringer is coming for the “indies” too.

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Don’t forget the blatant copy jobs of Keystep and Quad VCA…
Screw them.



I’m new on this thread,
Is this the place where we can crucify Uli?