The Behringer Gear-in-progress Thread

Still looks like a dog’s dinner.


Still getting my arms around all the detail.

Looks more an alternative to rather than a replacement for the Neutron. They don’t call it Neutron II. It’s in the same family but different. You could decide to own both.

You’ll have to explain this one to me, I don’t get it.

Impressive list of features! If they pull it off, this’ll be reall great as a synth and for processing external audio… Would be lying if I said it hasn’t got me gassing

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Now this is far more interesting than their clone army.


It looks like shit.


I agree, this is more interesting than the majority of monos out there imo, again… So long as this thing sounds good, it’d be the first behringer synth that I’d buy with absolutely no shame lol

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I appreciate the original design (tech-wise not visually :grimacing:) instead of cloning vintage stuff :+1:

Now they only need a third semi modular with a focus on sequencing and some additional utilities and effects and add maybe a filter bank, then sell those three synths as a package with their three-tier-stand for under 1000€.


Replaced by the Loop envelope? The ASR section looks interesting.

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I preferred the red Neutron - always been a sucker for red - but the Neutron looks best in techno black. :wink:

This is cool, the Neutron is a fabulous semi-modular for a knockdown price. Hoping so see more unique Behringer stuff soon.

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There will eventually be many overlays for both, so the looks can be up to your ownn choice.


Exactly, I had a nice black overlay for mine. :smiley:


When the chips are. They are saying this for every one of their new releases.

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Looks like the CoolAudio 3340 isn’t used in the oscillators as that does not have sine wave, unless they are shaping it externally.

Full midi spec - good to see, midi CC though isn’t as needed here due to the numerous CV options, so a bit strange to see CC implemented here when it is absent on most of their other synths that don’t have much CV either. I guess that leaves the door open for mk2s though.

I’m really digging this. Of all of Behringer’s synths the Neutron was one I was really drawn to. Sampled the hell out of it before passing it on. Think I might so the same with this one.


I guess I’ll get this one too. :smiley:


Perfect for pairing with a neutron, bring it :partying_face:

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When I had a neutron I didn’t like the delay ( too noisy ) …
This seems fine , I won’t be buying it but it’s fine I guess.
