The Behringer Gear-in-progress Thread

yeah these are super ugly but in a good way, if you put a few in a nice tiny leatherette brief case they’ll look nice, put some holes in that mofo pop the top and go

Isn’t this literally a volca keys clone with a few extras?

The volcas aren’t exactly competing in any beauty pageants…


I like the name Saturn Soul. Sounds like a Drexciyan track name, or something from Underground Resistance.

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the original 3 were things of beauty when they were first teased imo.

granted they’re plastic n all but I still think they’re beautiful.

sample too has somethin goin on visually.

eye of the beholder & all that.


Saturn Soul

Sounds like a Mills and Boon sci fi novel


I think they start looking pug-cute once we get our hands on them and start having fun with them, and affection for these will grow if they are any good.

Just as never happened for, say, Rhythm Wolf or Timbre Wolf

Somehow now they completely lost me. For me this synth-wave :wink: is devaluating each product, even more than that incredible backlog of clones that may or not be released once. At first I was thinking about the Pro VS, beacuse the original sounds beautiful, but now I’m back to “I only need my Hydra” territory.

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Someone make a toro thread. :joy:

Mod Edit : here it is …

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waiting for the twisted electrons version :wink:

Oh man that would be really interesting!

Nearly bought a Sega Saturn when they were released. Think it was about £300 at the time. Went with a Phillips Cdi instead.

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I wonder if the Behringer fans will moan about their tiny knobs? Like they did with Volcas, Boutiques etc.


I only buy BIG knobbed gear :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I wonder if the Behringer haters will post about this too ?

Ceaselessly !


Stay on topic please

Post your replies about the product in question.


From the Behringer FB:

"The mother of all synths…

Disclaimer: This is a design model only as we’re still studying the feasibility and demand of this synth. At this stage we cannot confirm that we’ll ever build this synth but we’d like to engage with you and hear your feedback.
What is your level of interest and what do you think a fair price would be?"


I knew this would happen, it will be interesting to see how it ends up, not a particularly challenging or sophisticated circuit but quite ingenious in how it all adds up, definitely a sum more than the parts synth.

I look forward to seeing customers reactions, it is quite the esoteric synth, definitely not for everyone.


This has been talked about, and been in process by Behringer for a long while, and it looks like it has a long way to go still.

The two approaches to the peg plug board with all the other “clones” of this either have the physical plugs, or some sort of virtual electronic equivalent. The big advantage to the virtual form is how fast you can change patches.

Sure why not with this.

ADDED: Link to a post in this forum with a mention of plans for this — December 2017.

Added the Behringer disclaimer for clarity