The Behringer Gear-in-progress Thread

iVCS3 is a great app.

However, a great app is not necessarily a shield against hardware GAS. I used iMS-20 for quite a bit… and I still ended up buying a hardware MS-20 Mini.


So true. Hardware is fun to touch, pull, twist, and turn. And plugging those pins into those holes. Nothing like the real thing, huh?


New update from B. Honestly kudos for keeping the original form factor. Looks very nice.

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Guys, they added a headphone jack USB and MIDI, and stranded the headphone jack in the middle of the rear of the synth. I think we can all agree that is the obvious worst place to put a stereo headphone jack.

edit: I guess the headphone jack has always been in a silly place, lol. GAS is dissipating…

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To be fair aside from headphone jack on back that looks ok, I hope they use some similar restraint on the front panel and don’t go full B-*tard with the design, leave off the dreadful logo and blue LEDs and knockoff fonts.

This is probably the closest I’d get to being interested in a Behringer, but I don’t need it, and still won’t buy it for those other reasons.

I think I prefer the form factor of the erica, not as iconic but probably way more practical for me, don’t need that either though.

I do look forward to the inevitable comparison against an original though.


mind boggling decision, hope they change that

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No, they didn’t add a headphone jack. The replicated the original.

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So was the headphone jack originally at the end, but they added the midi stuff which makes it in the middle?


No jacks on the front makes it look alot cleaner.

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The pin matrix doesn’t count as jacks? What are you putting the pins into?

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Thats just holes. :wink: I can see that people would like headphone jacks on the front. I never use headphone outputs anyway.


I guess as a modular junky I want all the jacks on the front side of things :crazy_face:

FYI: apparently it’s already been stated they’re not cloning the EMS circuits (saw on MW). so… might as well buy the Erica then :rofl:

seriously though, I have the Erica and love it. awesome craziness you get from designing patches with the controls set up one way, then scrolling through to other patches and seeing what you get.


Oh, I wonder why they did not just clone it?

Yeah was very tempted by the Erica myself, love the form factor and LED matrix, smart design.

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My modular made me appreciate gear I could hide all the cables in the back. But still love my messy euro rack. :slight_smile:

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well, it’s certainly not out of respect or decency, we know that much :rofl:

must’ve been prohibitively difficult or expensive is my only guess.


I can’t hate this.


Was it because the EMS circuits used components that are no longer available?

I saw somebody’s OB-X repair website the other day which went into gory detail about what he felt were flawed circuit design choices, as well as choices of components (resistors, capacitors, etc.) - all based on repairing one (or more?) busted OB-X units.

EMS still makes 'em. you just have to wait a decade or so… also Analogue Systems makes licensed clones in eurorack format. so parts should be available. maybe just not for pennies, like B would like.

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