The Behringer Gear-in-progress Thread

That would be nice.

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or I could. If provoked. :rofl:

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You could just get an Erica SYNTRX, an Analogue Solutions Colossus, etc

I think the SYNTRX is awesome : it’s obviously not a VCS3 or Synthi, but they’ve built a brilliant instrument.

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According to the page last updated in May, EMS still manufactures them.


your point being?

I’m surprised they are still making them. I check their site every year or so for some reason. Then there’s the Cloney that you can whip up yourself.

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ah, ok. Yes they are still being made but i think there is a waiting list - at least 3-5 years(?)

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Some people have waited for 10-12 years! I think, though, that they are getting 'em out a bit more quickly now - years, not decades.


note to self- must sample

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If the price is in reach (<1000), this would definitely be the Behringer i would buy. And a dream (owning a VCS3) would come true (in someway).

Going by the insane, unobtanium prices and scarcity of actual VCS3s, I think this is one of the best candidates for a low cost hardware clone. Bring it!

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I don’t like them. I don’t like anything about them. but I do like this. it makes the most sense out of all the clones they’ve done. the price differential will be the biggest, most likely. and it’ll truly put a very rare and unobtainable instrument into the hands of many. which is a good thing.

still don’t like 'em though.


That’s really what they’ve all been about though, haven’t they? How many of us would spend thousands on a vintage proper-working Minimoog, Octave Cat or Pro One? The VCS and 2600 are obviously pushing their model into more esoteric and rarified territory, and good for them. It’s still about putting tools of creation into the hands of more creators.


of course. but this is different. Octave Cat and Pro One can be had for under $2k. vintage Minimoog is $5-6k. a VCS3 will run you over $20k.

and like I said these are so rare and so expensive, few have ever played them. not so with the synths above. and that may be to the detriment of this product actually… I wonder how many will buy one, use for it for a week and go “how the hell am I gonna fit this into my music!?!” then sell it. conversely, many may come up with all kinds of new stuff using one…


I am indifferent to the Big B… I own exactly one of their products, a $20 ground hum eliminator. And I am far from certain that Robin Wood (current EMS head honcho) would be happy about an EMS knock-off (I phoned him last year to ask for a selected transistor for my VCS3 and the first thing he asked me was “you’re not making a clone, are you?”)

Nevertheless, of all the classic synths I’ve owned, the VCS3/Synthi is the one that I feel would most resonate with modern electronic musicians (no pun intended). Minimoog, Prophets, Odysseys… they are all fantastic, but very much feel as if they are loved because of what they remind us of. On the other hand, a VCS3 is frightfully ideal for the kind of music being made right now. I could, of course, be wrong. I am an old man - what do I know about modern music?


It doesn’t surprise me actually. Check out the Analog Brothers “Pimp to Eat” album from 2005ish. It’s full of analog synths, references to recording tech all over the place. It’s also got Kool Keith and other artists on it. Not a bad album really. There are a few pretty tasteless tracks on it of course, but several are quite good actually.

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Agreed. In fact, I’d rather have the Syntrx over a real Synthi of any type. The Erica build quality alone is really among the top synth makers out there. I was absolutely impressed by the DB-01, and plan to get another one at some point.

(also, that wasn’t a jab at EMS quality by any means, I’ve just been very impressed with Erica builds…)


If this has the sound then I would probably buy, however I’ve listened to demos of all the clones and frankly I don’t think any of them sound like the originals . Don’t like the sound of the Syntrx either. If I had the cash I would get a Digitana sx1


This official emu sounds raw as heck, is sometimes uncontrollable, and won’t break.
$19 with Essential EMS Modifications IAP.
Comes with 11x AUv3 plugins, in both Instrument & Effects Processor plugins.