The Behringer Gear-in-progress Thread

I could be wrong, but isn’t a 32-step sequencer, with dedicated value knobs for each step somewhat special ? At least in mass manufacturing (I don’t know of any boutique examples, but I haven’t really looked).

isn’t that more important than

wtf is that brand logo on the front panel aligning with? Why is there space to the right of the encoder block etc? * sigh *

I know that the best designs I’ve done all involved taking input from my customers. Design in isolation for me always creates problems.

I’ll have to accept your knowledge mynewcolour of Behringer’s design team. I don’t have that sort of specific information myself.

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That’s fine, I’m not discussing whether you or I think it’s a special or valid product. Only that their design and layout is unusually poor.


I’m guessing it’s a pre-production model/prototype. It won’t look like that when it hits the market. But if it did, people who care about stuff like where the logo is probably aren’t going to buy it anyway.

I think it looks fine, for a pre-production model/prototype.


In this day and age of poverty i doff my cap to Behringer.


Behringer is also discussing the possibility of providing overlays for these products.


I bought an RD-9. And I absolutely love it. They made the 909 mk2 I hoped and waited for. I’m a fan.

But. You can’t read the instrument labels (common minor issue) or see the knob pointers (common but major issue) in low light. And it does look a bit like a 7 year old was asked to draw a 909 from memory. With a crayon.

I guess you can tell I get annoyed when companies brush over the graphic design :slight_smile: elektron (for example) never get that stuff wrong.



It’s a clone of the BCR2000!


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The MFB Urzwerg has a knob per each of 32 steps, but has been out of production for good while.

So like with the ProVS redesign, Behringer is asking for comment on a choice between four possible designs of the UB-1 Micro ( formerly called Spirit ).

Here’s one example.

avantronica will still be unhappy with the use of a script font. :smile:


These shitheads are behind a lot of the mess happening globally right now and well into the future…

Keep your eye on them. Not to be trusted. :-1:

Back on topic… Those tiny Behringer synths are well shabby :laughing:
But that BCR controller looks sound.


no need to qualify that statement any further


Yeah, the ugliest piece of gear in history.


Except for all the ground noise loops that come into play the more usb devices you use at once. Those are like 30-50$ a pop… which could be adding like 50% to the cost on some of these cheap ones.

Yeah and big, but mine still works well.

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Doesn’t this ever get old? You can find thousands of people saying the exact same thing anywhere on the internet. It’s classist, snobbery, disingenuous virtue signaling cognitive dissonance

People will come up with any sort of mental gymnastics to validate their blind hatred for Behringer. Sweatshops, knockoffs, shouldn’t be asking for feedback on design, design is ugly, trademark issues, “harassing” gearsluts trolls, shouldn’t be announcing products too early, shouldn’t announce Vaporware or ask for any kind of feedback on early prototypes unless they have a firm release date during a supply chain crisis or are ready to ship immediately, antisemetic, poor quality, unoriginal, etc etc.

Doesn’t the idea of providing the entire world with unobtainable instruments that sound nearly identical to the original, at ultra affordable prices, and are well built (for the price)count for anything? I don’t see this kind of ubiquitous repetitive hypocritical tribal criticism and rationalizing negative attitudes toward any other brand. Even if any of those critiques were valid, why would you feel the need to parrot the mainstream consensus every single time the name is mentioned? Doesn’t it feel meaningless and insincere? It is grating at this point

We get it, Behringer sucks. Thanks for the input


Did you miss the part where he complimented B?


Stop please.


I think that looks absolutely fine. Perfectly legible and well laid out. But then I think the Make Noise modular stuff look appalling and I suspect I’m in a minority of one there…

It’s all in the eye of the beholder.

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You are not.