The Behringer Gear-in-progress Thread

I actually live near their factory and if you go in, they have everything setup to play with.
I had the absolute hardest time figuring out what was going on as it’s so hard to read their panels in my opinion.


The Make Noise aesthetic and approach may not be to taste but it is by-design. And coherent.

The same for Moog, ASM, Novation, Arturia, the vast majority of Eurorack brands …


the since removed quote was

why is Behringer any different

purely because every single behringer thread gets ruined with the same rhetoric - it’s a p.i.t.a. to tidy up - let along that’s beyond tedious - it has buck all to do with this theory or that theory - it’s simply a toxic subject that some won’t let go of

some folk just want to enjoy the prospect of this gear and that gear and are happy for the behringer subject to be dissected at length in at least 4 substantial threads - the issue is that there’s too much of that rhetoric being slipped in - it’s not by accident and it doesn’t go un-noticed and so the merry-go-round begins another cycle

it kills the joy of the forum, especially when the input is pointy

And yes - all this crap is off-topic - there are threads to vent, but there are topics like this to see what’s in the pipeline and that can be a fun thing to muse on - until all this slips in

There’s accusations of this and that if you tidy the forum up - and no real understanding that the reason this befalls behringer the most is because the same lazy stuff slips into the discussion

people aren’t defending behringer, they’re defending the right to have a constructive discussion that isn’t knowingly tipped over into chaos

that’s exactly why posts that start this guff get removed - it’s not a bias towards behringer (come on, get serious) it’s a bias towards a balance between those who want to vent (in the appropriate threads on this) and those who want to bypass the venting to have the simple pleasure of daydreaming about gear that’s more attainable

This applies to any thread, the reason it keeps happening on behringer threads is because there are lots of comments with little snipes in them, and frankly people are rightly tired of that side of teh internet - nobody would tolerate the same type of input if it related to someone’s music e.g. - it’s about the sincerity of teh discussion, Behringer don’t get the trolling - it’s the parts of teh community who don’t veto behringer products who get effectively trolled

Muting topics works wonders

All of this applies to anyone reading, from any standpoint … it’s just exhausting, and especially exhausting to moderate

Live and let live folks, but don’t confuse what the net effect is here with the intent, the best place to push buttons would be on music-tribe forums etc

Each behringer topic is one tiny move away from chaos - so that’s the only reason moderating is noticeable, it’s self evident that most of the disingenuous comments come from people who have absolutely no interest in purchasing anything - this is the heart of it, take behringer out of teh picture and the same thread toxicity would be unwelcome anywhere - for some reason it’s fair game to effectively bash behringer buyers, that surely can’t be a defend-able position - it sure as heck ain’t gonna affect UB and co. and pretty much everyone is aware of the contentious aspects already - so it’s a balancing act that just needs to be framed differently with facts (not speculations) and all that is required is a degree of goodwill from everyone towards everyone - despite differing standpoints on the issues of ownership

This (off)topic was very old years ago, i’m sure we can have a happier balance in the forum if folk think about the value a post brings and whether or not any prejudice is blinding that perspective.

Belektronauts, the thread, was a low point for me here … it’s regrettable that this happened imho - it doesn’t fit with the general vibe too well

None of this is black and white or easy to judge perfectly, but it’s time to reflect that it’s genuinely creating irritation because of the relentless nature of these drip drip comments that don’t add much to the topic

The desired outcome is zero flags, constructive chat with honest barb-less banter and edutaining insights etc - the toxic comments, less so and the constructive criticism and broader ethical perspectives are well catered for in existing topics - there’s a lot of repetition and it has to be seen as off-topic because of how quickly it snowballs

That’s my personal tuppence worth, but the moderating thoughts are sincere


I feel like there stuff has a flow to it more than a direct logic, I suppose a bit like elektron stuff some people get it and some don’t. The biggest thing for me is that they give you attenuators where you would want them instead of turning your eurorack into a 50% VCA boat and a mess of cables, I know other manufactures do this as well but not as much as I would like. Honestly I found working with buchla easel much more confusing even after watching indepth videos on the easel before hand. I suppose time constraint plus modular system you’ve never used is just never a great time.

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Shout out to Jukka for admirably trying to steady the ship and keep some order in this frankenstein topic

so fwiw - those small mini/micro things will stay off my radar most likely, especially as there are one or two interesting ‘neutron sized’ units incoming (possibly) and i’m already way over quota on mono-synths

those micros and minis are probably fun, but experience (i.e. monotron family sat in a drawer) tells me they’re not where i’m at - i love the volca modular despite its size, but the size spoils the Volca Samp2 for me as the knobs are way too close

Looking forward to hearing that Proton the most, hopefully (i.e. anti-gas) it covers ground i have sorted already - too much stuff is not good for my tastes, but there’s always a crafty way to justify things and that is generally only swingable when the cost isn’t significant - therein lies the gas inducing side of teh behringer machine - that’s for another thread too (it exists) but it can be fun to look forward, especially to anything that doesn’t have a screen or software to kill the flow

i’m happy with their gear and some of teh gear in progress is appealing - if it weren’t for posts from Jukka etc, i wouldn’t know of any of this, it’s quite useful if you’re measuring out potential spends

that’s all there is to it in these topics imho - gear that might chime with your needs and that’s within your means

as you were

wonder what’s in tomorrow’s B-news here - west coast for the thrifty, that would do nicely ? :cheeky:


I’m looking forward to comparing the Model 15 to the original Model D. 15 had more patch points etc but I’m guessing the oscillators and filter will be fairly similar. It’ll be equally interesting to compare it to my GM too. I can see the Proton being an interesting synth too, especially if paired with the Neutron


Please stop.


The whole naming convention (Spirit/Soul/Micro) seems pretty fluid at the moment. I’m sure @Jukka identified that one of them designated that those models have a sequencer or arp. I hope if they do have multiple names in the end that they keep to this convention for the sake of my OCD!

Yeah they switched from Soul and Spirit to Mini and Micro which really makes sense and is much more descriptive, which had been the intent.


There’s something beneficial to products being co-developed with the market in real-time…and there’s something lost, too.

MD, MM, OT, AR, AF were developed by an extremely small and insular team who had very specific passions and a very specific and common relationship to technology, retro gaming, and retro computing.

For me and others like me, these bombshell Elektron machines are a special balance of being able to make something with once device, but also being able to interconnect them.

I’m curious if that will swing me towards that Moog sound a bit more, i feel like an outlier, not being totally sold on the whole moog(sound) thing, and some other iconic gear - so i question my assessment based on the universal praise - the topology/connectivity of the B15 is more interesting - but justification would be hard as the flavour is still largely covered in other gear i have (to a point) … but just occasionally you find the one which clicks - the Blue Marvin is a joy to behold, up there with my Korg Mini20 as a sweetspot synth voice - both old classics and no surprise so the fact that Behringer re-make what people want and pay big money secondhand for is no bad thing imho


Yeah, the little amount of time I spent with it was probably the leading factor.
I would also add that I used to help people build websites and picking fonts was always the worst aspect. It seems like some people are predisposed to some fonts and others…well other.
I’m sure I would adapt but I feel like the font choices were hard to look at. Obviously this is totally aesthetic but it really does have an impact.
Regardless, there stuff sounds fantastic and I’m sure I’ll have some of it at some point one day.

As much as I love the fun factor of a table full of little tools, it’s very hard to finish songs with too many tools on the table…FOR ME, not saying for everyone.

But who knows? This renaissance of affordable mini tools may actually create a huge wave of dawless jammers sufficient to create a significant market segment of consumers of that kind of music/videos - and to allow some leaders/stars/heroes to emerge. :face_with_monocle:


Out of their eurorack synths I’ve got (K2, D, Wasp, Cat and Neutron) I found the D to be one of the most musical. Now I know that’s a bit of an unquantifiable statement but one think I like to do it make full tracks with just one synth. For me I found the D to sound really good for leads, basses drums, pads etc etc. In other words each part I made with the D just sounded good. That’s not to say I didn’t have any luck with the others, just that the patches I made with the D just seemed to work together in the most coherent way. Prior to that my only Moog experience was the MG1 which I liked but tended to use primarily for bass sounds. The Cat sounds great too BTW!


I was really surprised at how good the pro one sounded. Sometimes I thought it sounded more impressive than my other sequential synths even.

I’ve owned the model d, k2, and crave also and every one of them sounded amazing. Especially the crave. I don’t think I’ll ever sell that

It gives me high hopes for the 2-XM. If they can nail that sound as close as they have with their other clones, this thing will be one of my favorite synths. I’m just hoping I can fit knobs over the baby euro pots. Not a huge deal though, I’ve had modules with those and I don’t remember hating them

It’s going to be exciting when the audio demos hit. I want to hear the Saturn and the Ub-1 out of the micro/minis, especially. To have a matrix 1000 or Jupiter 8 voice in a little box like that seems very powerful to me. It will be kind of like my other Behringer monosynths fulfilled their role in my setup, sequenced by their own Digitakt midi tracks, all interconnected and on the same mixer going into the Octa, all being clocked alongside one another in real-time, sort of like a large modular system


I didn’t get the Pro 1 as I’ve got an OG Pro One but I’m leaning toward picking one up second hand as I’ve heard good things about them. Likewise with the Crave I really wanted one when they were originally teased however once I’d got the Neutron I decided I had that base covered

I hear you regarding the Micro’s though. I’m intrigued as to the filter in the JP… I know CoolAudio are now remaking the BA662 but Alfa are making their own IR3109 chip which the JP8 used. Unless CA are also remaking a version of it too?


yeah i feel the same way about having my bases covered monosynth-wise. i’ve passed up and sold a lot of them because i know im gonna keep my crave. even went so far as to buy a black overlay for it so i’d be less inclined to sell it in a momentary lapse of reason. i think i can still rationalize maybe a proton, model 15, and definitely a 2-xm though

not sure i ever wanted a grandmother, but for $300 its a no brainer. i have been lusting after the matriarch. the grandmother has some similar qualities right? the demos dont really come close from what i’ve seen. i wonder if a grandmother clone would be redundant next to a mother32 clone. i dont really know the specific components involved

im really curious to see what they will do with phase distortion, physical modelling, granular, and spectral synthesis. i assume they mean clones , right? so something like the cz-101 maybe? that would be very high on the list. granular would be like the gr-1/iridium, but i feel like the bitbox lemondrop may have that covered. i have no idea what spectral woul dbe outside of eurorack stuff like 4ms smr but it sounds exciting

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Hard to know for sure. What the Behringer Facebook spokes-person ( not sure who this person is, Uli himself, or a small designated group ) wrote is that they have engineers working on Granular, Phase Distortion and Physical Modeling systems.

So if i was the engineer assigned to this sort of digital synth project, i would probably be looking to find the tools to assist with this. There are open source options, and those might be a place to start. Ideas lead to other ideas.

Others have done this sort of thing; what comes to mind immediately is how Aodyo was able to create the Anyma Phi, and Arturia with the MicroFreak, as well as with the Behringer Brains.

You might combine these digital parts with a variety of control systems and/or effects. Whether it is Eurorack, or a stand alone, or a keyboard system will be good to watch as that is worked out.

I wouldn’t expect to see any results in this area for a while. Ideally adding more original content will be a long term goal with this.


With all the Moog clones, I wish they would clone the Moogerfoogers, mainly the filter pedal. The Mutron Octave Divider clone sounds great (much better than in the video) and feels really solid.


Really, want to buy my mf 101 ?
Going by reverb prices you owe me $1000+
Laugh my ass of. I paid $250 second hand a few years ago.
These reverb prices are redicules.