The Behringer Gear-in-progress Thread

The release date is ‘enigmatic’ much like all the other hardware they’ve teased recently.

The Japanese Nikkei newspaper reported this week that semiconductor shortages are likely to last until at least fall 2023 and some companies predict supply won’t normalize until 2024. Not sure if this applies to the music industry, but made me think that we may have another year of synths being delayed. :confused:

That’s great news for gas control.


It’s all about chip shortage, the RD-8 MKII was released way after the 2600. Not even Behringer can cope with the chip situation and they are making large volumes of every synth they release. And most of the released stuff is still available and they need chips so.


RD8Mk2 and TD3MO are reissues, I don’t even take into consideration as new releases.
Fact: the chip shortage catastrophe started in 2020: that is no surprise, my cat knows about it too, but Uli still continue to announce gear like nothing happened.

That’s the point

He’s floundering, he can’t do it, but he’s trying, in any case, to draw attention to his company. Think for a moment: This is an insult to common sense

Eventually this blow off and they will start to release the synths. It’s not more to it than that. And if he’s trying to draw attention to his company meanwhile, who cares?

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Behringer is too quick to tell people what they are working on. Thats the biggest issue. And they do this to draw attention to themselves. But the time they spend on getting a product released isnt necessarily longer than everybody else. Moog spent over 5 years to get the One to marked.

Behringer does a lot of shitty things they need to be called out for. But long release times can happen to several companies. How long did people wait for the Osmose? And that was a pre-order situation and people actually paid a part up front.

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Yes and no I suspect. In Behringers case it’s maybe more about cost (which is related to chip shortage as well as other increased costs). That’s not unique to Behringer, most synth folks have seen their margins shrink - but Behringers whole business model is razor thin margins with high volume and they know they can’t just increase their prices, and they’re not going to sell their synths at a loss.

Feels more to me like this is an investment type play - it’s not that they can’t make the synths now, they’re waiting until they can make more money selling them. Which I don’t begrudge tbh - they’re not a passionate synth maker that cares about people making music and they’re big enough that they can undertake strategies like that.

I could be totally wrong but that’s my guess. I think they have the buying power to get whatever parts they need.


What’s the problem with a company announcing product far ahead of release? I think this is a good thing, so that people don’t buy something to then later be like „great, if I knew there was the Behringer coming, I wouldn’t have bought this vintage synth“.

That being said, a realistic release window and updates explaining why something will be delayed would be appropriate then.

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I don’t personally have a gripe with this really, just theorising why they might not be making the products now, as many of these have fairly production ready looking prototypes, they’re not just ideas. But it’s funny in a way because you highlight one of the problems with them doing so in your post:

They’re essentially controlling the market with hypothetical product releases. Not only potentially stifling innovation but also marking their territory for anyone else interested in developing homages or vintage clones. I’m playing devils advocate here more than anything, but you yourself highlight how their announcements impact your buying behaviour - they’re not unaware of this.


In US Sweetwater has 21 of the 23 Behringer synths in stock.
They have 51 of 53 Behringer Eurorack and modular products in stock.
I didn’t look at pedals.

( Side note : Sweetwater has a pretty useful search system. )

Let’s not travel too far off topic, although most of this speculation has been clever. There is a question what gear is really in progress. Behringer has been clear, they will eventually sell everything that they have announced as products. They do have some things that they have talked about that are not products, for instance the Radio-Shack / Moog synth, was always just a “What do you think” question. They have an open design process that is different to most, and one needs to keep that in mind.


Okay, that‘s a good point about controlling the market simply by announcing products. As you can expect them to always have the cheapest option, this might disencourage other companies from starting aber-release themselves. On the other hand, in the case of vintage clones, as far as I know Behringer mostly reacted to people wishing for re-releases by Roland or others that these companies did not answer for years.

You could also say e.g.: well if Behringer announces a Jupiter 8 clone and there is huge interest, Roland could come out and announce a re-release themselves that is priced higher than the clone, but not absurdly high and market is more premium and authentic, yet still affordable. I think this could work, as the market is big and lots of people seem to hate Behringer.

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You could draw a parallel with the B2600 models and the Korg 2600M. Who knows for certain if sales of one have taken away from sales of the other but I’m assuming both are selling well? Or at least there was enough interest in their limited run FS for Korg to go down the smaller version route. I guess some people won’t buy the B version and likewise some people won’t want to pay the Korg price.

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There certainly is interest, here and in general, in the “Behringer gear in progress”. Even those here doubtful of them releasing all these interesting synths, are showing by posting here they are interested. Wanting to see stuff you’d like to buy made available sooner is pretty natural.

To my awareness the last product to be released and in stock is the Dual-Phase, which is like a month old. I think the next promised with a firm date is the Pro-800 due in April. That will be a good benchmark.


Dual Phase in stock? Where?

In Stock !

The Elektronauts Robo-cop warned me to not repeat myself, as i already posted this back in November.


So for CV IN i see :
Gate, Pitch, Sync, and Filter.

ADDED : There are a lot of controls here otherwise.

Not sure how to rearrange the controls to make room for longer sliders, and still fit in a Eurorack format.


So… Jupiterish VCO/VCF poly in a euro-rackable package? Keyboard version too apparently. Discuss.



We need a higher resolution image. I want to see what the CV inputs/outputs are for starters.

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A little clearer here:

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