The Behringer Gear-in-progress Thread

Is this a clone too? Regardless, reliably pulling off audio to CV/MIDI/USB is pretty difficult as far as I understand. I’d actually be slightly impressed if they make it happen.

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You can pre-order it at Sweetwater.



This Perfect Pitch module technology could also be used by Behringer for the development of their ARP Avatar redo, which they had talked of about a year back.

Image in this post

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This one’s would actually be interesting to test. Imagine what craziness you can achieve by for example plugging in a guitar. Not only synthesising it, but also potentially applying CV based envelope-like movement to various sound shaping tools from filters to delays. That raw CV through a slew into a bucket brigade delay’s CV, for example, and then mixing back with dry to your taste.


Oy Behringer where’s the OSCAR


Still waiting for this below… another thing that hasn’t materialised like probably loads of other stuff in this thread :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


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I wonder what effect running the Perfect Pitch’s cv back into the audio source would have?

Also it looks like Sweet Water pulled the page for it. Maybe an accident? They seem to do that a lot.

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The RS-9 is toward the front of the “to be manufactured” list.


Depends how precise the CV is both from the Perfect Pitch and in your oscillator.

If, lets say, your oscillators pitch is a little high, this will be picked up by the PP which will up the CV out, which ups the pitch of the oscillator, which …

Same applies if your oscillator is a little low, etc --descending pitch.

There will be a propagation delay, which combined with the amount of difference, will affect the rate of rise or fall of pitch.

This would be good to do when adjusting your equipment. Linearity is also an issue. Also interestingly the propagation delay will likely be different at different pitches, higher frequencies likely get recognized faster.

Fun thing to do, with a camera that make an image on a screen. Point the camera at the screen and tip the camera to an angle to either side. Or zoom in.

Dr Who !

Same basic principle.

ADDED : If you had a speaker and microphone between the two, you could get a sample and hold sort of thing, if things were calibrated well. How that gets overridden by additional sound gets a little complicated.


Good example with the camera.
Was also sort of wondering if it would fold over on itself like when you get those borderline nuclear explosion feedback delay loops.

Note on Sweetwater – you can order stuff not yet in their catalog ! Call your sales rep, and ask to be put on the list as a pre-order. I know this works because i have done it, and with a Behringer product as it turns out. You will not have to pay until it ships, though they will take your credit card number.

So i am thinking about getting Perfect Pitch.



They’re looking for feedback on whether to do this Mini.


Featuring phase distortion synthesis. Proposed price $99.

I was thinking they might have dropped the whole idea of the minis, but they also showed their Pro VS vector synth, and said it is “ready for production.”


We’ll want to see a third party review, but as far as this goes it looks good.


i would totally be down for getting this as a stand-alone unit


The Perfect Pitch is on Thomann for pre-order.

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Stopped by Modwiggler. Glad to see they’re able to have a civil discourse over the Abacus…

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Feedback: I dunno maybe release the other 5~6 they’ve “previewed” first. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Probably an instant-buy for me at that price, depending on the poly count, even though Volca keyjank is causes me pain to even think about.

The way I see it, it’s a PD expansion/voice module for the DN. Let’s hope it responds to pan.

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Call sweetwater? I recommend a burner phone……


They are relentless. The sales associate who was assigned to me for several years got switched recently, and I felt like I lost a stocker. It was oddly sad.