The Behringer Gear-in-progress Thread

They’re the worst. I had to send them a few emails to tell them to stop contacting me and they still do it a couple times a year.

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Is this a clone?

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Oh come on. Can you even make a simple mixer that’s not a clone?

I hope this doesnt cause people to think of me any lower than they do already but I’m actually happy to see a “performance” euro mixer available that doesn’t cost several hundred dollars. I was never going to buy one of the really nice, expensive ones, but I’ve always really wanted to add one to my setup.


I thought so too.

The bigger hp mixers are way overpriced for what they do. I prefer mixing outside of the modular.



They say they are ready for production of the Victor module. They plan to bring the price down to $129 USD.


Solina at Thomann and says 1-2 weeks until in stock.

Of the Roland 531 kinda

Might have relented, maybe … twice …

puppet-awkward puppet-awkward

… if i want to skiff these what’s a poundshop diy way to power such devices, i’m pretty sure i want to avoid further euro (and i may bail on pre-orders, assuming they even arrive (don’t ask) ), so anything i can do to make it a ju$tifiable total venture would help

what would be misguided about starting to scope how i might do this utilising something like this to get the missing -12V

probably best not derail this, save for a one-liner or link - i am scouring the web as we speak to see how i can discretely power this at sensible money - otherwise the price ramps disproportionately for a ‘single’ module

stage one of westcoastification in progress (i’ve borrowed a Maths(racked) in the past and loved it)

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I’m confused, what’s the utility of just a maths by itself in a rack? Do you have other gear that can send and receive CV?

I probably have more cv I/o ports than most eurorack owners tbh - it’s just that all of mine is semi-modular

and until there’s a No-Boast I’m short of affordable options for that function generator stuff

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Makes sense! Looking back now to when I owned a grandmother, I did spend a fair bit of time on modulargrid but never pulled the trigger.

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I’d still rather not go euro, but the utility in maths is right up my street - so hoping I might bury this in a case that passes as non-euro - don’t want to get on that slippy slope

buying a proper case, even a Behringer one is a bit spendy - if there’s no diy way, I may get a behringer sidecheeks one for the consistency with my Pro1/Neutron/(Pro800) - but their PSUs aren’t exactly priced to sell (to me)

it was an impulse pre-order, I know I can reflect/research during the long wait

There you can have only the math module :slight_smile:

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I knew of those from searches, tidy, very tidy, but alas not justifiable in my case(no pun intended), relative to the(my) bigger picture - put another way, if that was the only option (to keep things compact) I wouldn’t have ordered anything as it’s disproportionately spendy relative to my intended ‘guest’ for it - takes the whole outlay beyond fun/harmless into a different tier - the thing is I have boxes of all manner of spare PSUs, and would enjoy to diy - hoping I can make this work out, but it’s probably taking the topic too far off - I’ve also seen third party pcbs to populate for this, so it’s likely I’ll look to those and diy a wooden case - keep it modest and dissuade me from ‘expanding’

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I don’t want to go all in with eurorack but this might be cool for small 20hp breakout box for the Bluebox on the go. I’m already on modulargrid searching for the perfect module(s). :slight_smile:

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Found this case while trying to search for a small line mixer. Lots of interesting options in eurorack. Didn’t go through with the purchase yet, and I must admit it made me look at other interesting utility modules (math is one of them) sooo… might be a gateway drug.

I’m thinking about fitting a few fx modules in there plus a I/O module with small and normal sized jacks for ease of use.
Screenshot 2023-05-12 at 16.05.57

Probably the cheapest way to go, stick it in a shoebox.


heh, bertumi is here

Baths was an upgrade, design-wise. But this one is ugly as f.

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