The Big Elektronauts Hip-Hop Thread: production tips, sharing our music, feedback and inspiration

It’s good to ear L’Uzine here!

Some tracks I can listen everyday:

Hugo TSR, the French punchline King :

Mysa, the best lyricist ever! This one is on a rare mixtape, the beat is not from him, I think it’s a famous West coast beat, I already heard it, but I don’t remember where it’s from.

Lady of Rage on a Easy mo bee (my number 1 bratmaker) beat : la crème de la crème :smiley:


I already known Hugo TSR, but I have not listen enought. Its looks very good, close to Davodka style. I have to listen more.
Discovered the 2 others, look like more oldschool, but that dope too.

Oldschool I love :

The whole album La fin de l’espèce is a banger


The more you will listen to both the more you will recognize their differences.

French folk here, I was digging some old Give Me 5 and Le Gouffre freestyle and then found this pièce :

Freestyle with Oxmo Puccino, Kacem Wapalek and Marius B, killer tune !


Since this is some great international picks being posted. I love this track.

It might be too fast to be hip hop and may just be rap, but I remember finding it on a Netflix show and loving it.


kacem :fire:

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I think non french can enjoy this. Beautiful instumental and voice. Very west coast vibe.

This album was recorded in US (california maybe?) with real musicians. His style is unique in France.


I am working on something that one might call synth based hip-hop.

I have recently boxed my DT, DN and Minitaur to challenge myself to focus on actually learning the Push 2 and Ableton.

I find that it is much easier to create lots of variations and clips that can be used as building blocks for songs. In that sense, It’s much faster to get to the “now lets arrange it into an actual track” stage of production.

Unfortunately, this also makes it painfully clear that I suck at arranging :joy:

This version is basically a livejam of a bunch of clips.

Curious to read your thoughts. I like the general vibe, but I feel that the track is a bit too crowded. Also, I obviously need more variation, especially with the drums and low end.


I agree with you in as much as I think it’s pretty dense in places arrangement wise, have you tried the whole subtractive method for arranging stuff?

By that I mean putting a clip in each track and dragging it the entire length of the song and then going back in and carving away the elements you don’t like from each section, this approach works for me in most cases when starting with a blank canvas, also I have a template set up with markers set in the arrangement window delineating intro, main body, breakdown etc. So I already have an indication of the structure before I start…


Are you looking for real constructive critique? I could give some thoughts, with the caveat that I’m only talking of my opinion.

I usually don’t give my honest opinion, and just stick to constructive encouragement.

I wouldnt normally do this, but I feel like you are a comrade with the battles we participated in.


But I just got that off a youtube video, and rarely follow it. haha.

To be honest, Im not sure what a pre chorus or a bridge really is. But at least it looks nice and professional.

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Good ideas! I am familiar with the concept as I mostly make techno and gabber kind of stuff. But i think it’s definitely the next step from here on.

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All thoughts are appreciated, especially the critical ones.

Don’t worry about hurting my feelings, I just want to learn from others. Besides, I have no illusions about my production skills.

That said, I don’t put too much effort in it, as I consider it far from finished anyway!

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Get inspired by Madlib, one of the most prolific and diverse producers in the game:


No this is great… Im not that far into this either, and that might be a good thing because of how little I know, meaning its only really obvious stuff that I am aware of…

And please disregard anything I say… Im only saying for fun to see what you think of my “analysis”. As a matter of fact I encourage anyone to correct me.

Lastly, before I really listen and post… I actually hate producing by commitee… So if you do get multiple advice from people… dont follow all of it… just pick which ones resonate with you…

music and art are subjective, so its all different from different ears.

Okay… I think I know why you feel like its “crowded”…

In the first 0:43, and I think it goes through the entire track, the three elements aren’t aligned on the down beat…

The initial plucky metallic toybox melody has a lilting tempo, that competes a little with the synth bass. They should either mirror each other, or be a call and response back and forth. I would say adjust to follow the synth bass line exactly, since its so good and structured, and is the foundation of the lovely synthwave sound.

Also, there is a second plucky sound that is too frequent. Itsa nice accent sound, and should come in every other measure, also on a down beat, then you could transition into it replacing the toybox pluck as a variation on the lead, because when the beat comes in the second sound fits perfectly.

Finally, the beat doesnt always follow the structure of the synthbass… it doesnt have to all the time, but too often the beats arent aligned…

at 2:20, it sounds like two different synths lines are playing at the same time… but the two plucks are great together…

OKAY! Im done!

whoo boy, this feels really uncomfortable doing this… I hate criticizing other peoples work… but I really like your work, so its good that I can be involved in your process…

plus, its a way to REALLY listen to other peoples music… usually I just give a cursory listen to give a like here and there… but to actually really listen is something else…

plus its good for me to hear what you think… to see if I actually know what Im talking about or not. I am prone to hubris!

Thank you for letting me do this!

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This is fantastic! Thanks for listening with so much attention and sharing your detailed feedback.

For what it’s worth, I think being straightforward with your feedback is much more helpful than just simple encouragement.

But then again, I am Dutch (we are known to be very direct, or as others would call it: rude).

Thanks again :blush:

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I found rjd2’s approach and insights in this course pretty helpful, especially in relation to song development and arranging instrumental hiphop. Sample heavy course as expected, but i don’t see why you couldn’t apply it to synth based stuff…


It was fun… I would be interested to here how you approach the synthwave hiphop sound in the future! it sounds dope… plus, it might be too much work to get those elements to align since you said it was cobbled from multiple jams… sometimes I bail on things just to start fresh, even if it would only take a bit of work to make it good…

Either way, post more of it… I like the genre your creating!

(Actually, I think Mike Dean is pioneering synth based hip hop… if you want to really feel humbled… check out his music… )


Yeah, I think I will def work on this later and incorporate your feedback. Might let it rest for a while though.

Going to check out Mike Dean, thanks for pointing that out!


Cool! Thanks, will check it out. Def like his music.