The BITWIG Thread

I’m finishing my first tracks in bitwig and I’m wondering: what does your master track looks like? Which effects and plugins do you consider a must in your master track?

I asked about Bitwig on Linux a few posts back. I setup a linux laptop over Christmas and am happy to report that BitWig works great. Will love to one day use Linux for my desktop.


I just put a limiter on the master track for safety. I prefer to put FX per track when needed.
I add a compressor and an audio analyser (Voxego SPAN) on the master track for mixdown at the end.

Same here. Specifically DMG Audio Limitless and Fabfilter Pro MB. Sometimes I’ll add FabFilter Saturn. I often use DMG Audio TrackLimit and TrackComp on individual tracks and group tracks. Most of my creative effects go either on the groups or on fx tracks.

using Linux desktop for >20 years. it rocks.

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For me I’ve used Linux server side for 20 some years but desktop only for a few years in the mid 90s. I enjoyed it then but for various professional reason stopped. Back then it was nice but I could see how it was daunting to the non-technical. Today? So far it is much more like macOS - everything “just works”. I have various reasons I’ll keep running macOS but if someone was deciding between windows and giving Linux a try - do it. So very easy to shrink your windows partition and make a test Linux install.

Heading off topic so I’ll stop for now or split/merge if there is interest.


I think there’s a thread around somewhere, but if not, it’s worth one. I used to use OS X (as it was then), Windows and Linux machines in my studio, with the Linux box handling DAW duties (mostly Ardour) and the Mac taking care of Kyma, Melodyne, etc. I am currently looking into building a new, dedicated Linux machine for the main studio work and relegating the Mac to Kyma/Continuum work. As I slip more into Bitwig and Renoise, this prospect seems less restrictive than ever before.


A Polygrid sequncer for Elektron MD


Ask Video start to got the best ressource of eLearning on Bitwig

They added recently the Grid and Polymer


I need to explore a little more. Every video I’ve seen by Thavius Beck has taught me something I don’t know, or given me a new way to look at something I did know.

EDIT: what the heck. It’s only fifteen bucks for the first month. There is so much on that site that I am sure it will be worth it… even at the ‘regular’ price of $25. Beck’s videos alone are worth the entry fee.


I buy all Thavuis Beck tutorials on the App Store of my iphone or ipad. All of his courses are 7.99€ there for the courses in full (sold by macproaudio/ etc)

Personally I had subscriptions to several tutorial websites but cancelled all of them except one (Pickup Music, cause they have some fun content for short sessions on the guitar), because despite the amazing value many of these sites represent, I barely used any of it - reasons being time, commitment, and sheer volume of stuff available / interesting courses to choose from (paralysis by choice)

I find buying specific courses I’m interested in a much better approach for myself. :slight_smile:


That may be how I ultimately go, too. I figure this first discounted month will give me a chance to see if it’s worth my continued payment.


I support this person on Patreon, ten bucks a month (his vids are free. I just want to support).

I’ve learned so much about not only Bitwig, but thory in general. For example, this video kind of explained the internals of digital reverbs, or at least some theory behind it.

I like the, and enjoy Thavius Beck. He’s a great teacher, but Polarity has me hooked.
I’m also down for more resources and other teachers people are into. Just wanted to plug this guy.


Yep, I’ve watched some of Polarity’s videos, too.


Thavius Beck and Polarity are both excellent, agreed – every nugget of inspiration is worth it. I just bought the App Store version of Beck’s The Grid series. Thanks for the head’s up, @William_WiLD and @hausland


This guy is also really good:


Yes he sure is! I just saw his videos for the first time recently and was very impressed. Another instructor that taught me something new!

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Yeah, I’m supporting him as well. I’ve kind of been treating this pandemic and my loss of job (hoping it’ll come back soon) as my own time to learn all this stuff. Right now I’m watching every video I can find explaining FM synthesis, something I should’ve learned years ago. Thank you for those suggestions. At times looking through all these video’s can be overwhelming. Will check them.


Two years ago i had something to say about Bitwig, now almost all cons i have in mind was now solved, coming from Ableton Live.

So I ask you the following question: Bitwig 3.3.1 and Ableton Live 10.1.30 ? what are your persistant cons, what do you miss in Bitwig ? to eventually switch …

(Some kind of Push dedicated controller i imagine…)

I would like to see more shortcuts for editing all tracks at once

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