The BITWIG Thread

i actualy bought another piece of gear, which comes with bundled 8-track.
but 8-track is limited AF, in particular — no Grid.

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I’ve been working in Bitwig a lot this week, though I’m using it mainly as a multitrack recorder, MIDI sequencer and mixer thus far. Today, I plan to use the Grid to create a bunch of simple synth voices I can use to sketch out a multi-part composition that I can then re-track with patches created on the Moog Model 10. Hopefully I can avoid getting distracted by the many opportunities presented by the Grid!

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If I recall, it comes with quite a few modulators, though. They should provide some inspiration. I once did a bunch of tutorials for Computer Music magazine using a special CM-badged version of 8-track that, if I recall correctly (it seems I do not) actually includes the Grid (I don’t think it did). Even without it, there’s a lot you can do. But it’ll probably only whet your appetite for the full version!

I bought my copy of Bitwig earlier this month. I’m resisting the temptation to open it up, though, as I have a so-nearly-finished project in Logic and I know if I start messing with Bitwig it’ll never get completed. Should be done in the next couple of days though and then I can get lost in the Grid :slight_smile:

interesting. is it still available anywhere?

actually, i’m fine with limitations. going to use it mainly as a sketchpad (because laptop is mostly with me, unlike my gear) and have it at gigs as a fallback option for gear failure scenario. to put it shorter — as a software groovebox.

anyway, 8-track already has more modulation features than competitors. and, of course, Linux version. that’s two main reasons for me to use it.

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Now looking back (I actually mentioned it in this thread), I think it was a pre-Grid version of 8-Track. I was confusing those tutorials with a bunch I wrote when the Grid came out. I have written so many, it’s easy to confuse them, me, and pass that confusion on to you. Sorry about that!

no problem, i aready googled, and yes, it was in pre-Grid days.

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so, i can say that i’ve learned the basics of Bitwig in a single evening.
not bad, since my previous experience with DAWs of this kind is negligible.

i have to admit that it’s really convenient tool for doing arrangements. btw, 8 tracks is right enough for working with MC-707 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


day 2.
loving Bitwig drum machine and its drum instruments.
they have all handy features i’m aware of and per-instrument FX.

but what’s the most exciting is that i can put FM synth to a drum machine slot.
super cool feature i have not seen elsewhere. awesome for industrial and similar kinds of music.
did not expect that Bitwig can mimick the behavior of my particular physical drumset so easily :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

edit: also, it’s super easy to do my favorite drum unit — semi-snare/semi-tom (zero samples involved).


After scrolling through a ton of samples from mars kicks i end often with bitwig e-kick again. But thats me because i have no clue about gain staging.


…with all swedish respect and otb hardware love since a decade…
i’m diving deeper and deeper into all the wigs for all the bits lately, and working itb never felt that direct in responding, achieving, getting to the sonic point like now…

it’s literatally mind and ear boggling…AND even the lucky dips and happy accidents factor i love so much with elektron gear is THERE to cross ur workflow around every corner, waiting behind every virtual connection and combo u can think of…
always pushing ur natural lust for experimenting and questioning what happpens if i do this with that or any other way around…let’s see…let’s hear…let’s find out…

with the right controler i even could see me performing live with a laptop again…
well…nope…it’s gonna be an ot forever…but just sayin’…this piece of software is as timeless as up to date…

it almost feels like brain direct to midi, read my musical mind and print it this way, is just around the corner…or a few new key commands away…


went beta because it improves handling 3rd party plugins on Linux.

Loving Bitwig here! I only used the Grid until now. Still in demo mode but ready to buy.

I like the Grid’s modular approach a lot more than all the others I tried. So slick!

Tomorrow is ES-9 day, Bitwig is gonna eat my Moogs for breakfast :smiley:

I already got the presale to upgrade my Ableton Live Licence to 11 but … that may well be the last upgrade for a while. Going to use all them DAWs as sound sources for the OT :elot: :desert_island:


OT + Bitwig + Eurorack 104HP
Is going to be my rig for 2021, the rest will get boxed.


This just showed up in my Youtube feed. I had no idea. Very interesting. Basically, auto clip record. Don’t know how much I will use it, but very cool for people using Bitwig for tracking out stuff. Hopefully this isn’t old hat to everyone.


Phase4, arturias dx7 or buchla are currently in my bitwig drum machine, but why not also this new 808 recreation?
Edit :it seems its more different sample at different pitch than an „acb“like recreation i thought at first sight. I ll see. Grid is nice for 808 alike drums already.


As I have less time right now :slight_smile: and we all in lockdown, so I thought about a lockdown lab, anybody uploads a poly grid patch and anyone can take it further, it will be very inspiring and can make the lockdown more interesting.

I’ll start with my “Kool Herb” a next-level scratching synth patch :slight_smile:
Bitwig LFO module is stereo, by splitting we have “2 Hands”, one for the crossfader and the other on the vinyl and this can modulate the sample/multisample by tweaking the LFO phase, and basically, everything.
By using the envelope you can control the length of the “hand”.
Use the sequencer and play notes while turning the knobs and interesting stuff can be achieved.

it works very well with drums multi-samples, you can get very cool noisy beats, vocals, and speech.

hope you will have fun with that and please share yours, I’ll love to see how you took it further and better.

D/L from Bitwiggers

Edit: I’ll upload a video soon, just turn all the knobs, the main modules are the 2 hands LFO, the ENV, and the position “of the needle”

Add: short clip, very simple demo with a kick


Well, I finally gave in and bought it too. My third DAW, although I’ve been in the process of ditching Live for Studio One 5 for a while now and I consider Bitwig more of a sound design tool in my use case.

Grid’s great of course, but it’s actually the sampler that won me over + the fact that I can map my MPE controls to any synth via the modulators…that’s cool. I figured, the sampler alone is worth the price of admission (got a great deal on it), so why not.

Looking forward to learning from and exploring with you guys.


The Bitwig Winter Sale is on, so it’s a good time to buy or re-up if you’re thinking of doing so. On top of the sale price, if you go to you can purchase Bitwig with an additional 15% off, just add it to your cart and the discount will automatically be applied.

You can also buy now and activate at some point later, whenever you want.

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