The BITWIG Thread

Made a little Dreamsaw, a super simple grid thing. But I had fun jaming with it & yesterday I hooked it up with the Digitakt. Drop a PM and I send you a link if you want it.


Holy Cow. This Moss guy is incredible and fast. Hm, I got offered a nice used push+ live licence deal… dont know… i thought more abotut apc or nektar ( for a long time slready) but…
Does anybody know for about how much and where I could resell the live license?
Not that I dont think its better in many areas than bw, just my nerves to learn it.
I should first learn renoise someday or reason gets resizable.

Also btw: has anybody a forgotten audiomulch license lying around? is it resellable?
I thought many times i should get it as long as it still exists more or less and 32 bit still exists. I had a betaversion once

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For those considering getting Bitwig for the first time:


…wow…full license for under 300…???

…damn…timing is no city in china…

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V4.0 Beta 5 now available!


  • New modulator: Globals (Interface) - Provides modulator signals for three project-wide controls:
    • Fill - A modulator signal reflecting the current Fill mode state
    • A◆B - A bipolar modulator signal reflecting the current global crossfade value
    • Play - A modulator signal reflecting whether the transport is currently playing (1) or not (0)
    • The Fill and A◆B sources can be used as global control sources, routing hardware controllers or automation (from Master > Transport) to any and all tracks
  • Operators: Two new Occurrence modes for notes:
    • with Prev Chan. - Plays when this channel’s last note did
    • without Prev Chan. - Plays when this channel’s last note didn’t
    • A nice way to group note events that aren’t consecutive
  • A top-level snap toggle is available in all timeline editors, to the right of the snap settings menu
    • Comping editing stores its own state for snapping [26138]


  • Comping: New audio recordings on the Arranger now:
    • Respect previous clip boundaries and insert recordings as new takes inside of them
    • Create new clips when passing blank space
    • Overwrite looping clips
  • Layered comping: The modifier key behavior is now reversed [26137]
    • Simply editing in layered editing mode applies your edits to all available comps
    • Holding [CTL] ([CMD] on Mac) only applies your edits to the current comp
  • Track Monitoring: Sources from other tracks can now be monitored (as long as this would not create a feedback loop)
  • Track Monitoring: Mode is now a tri-state switch (click to cycle from Auto to On to Off)
  • HW CV Instrument device: Now has a latency measurement option[24535]
  • HW FX device: Better latency measurement algorithm [24032]
  • Controller API: Added NoteStep.isMuted() and NoteStep.setIsMuted()

Actually, I can’t get it working on Mac. The new beta download is a .msi file instead of a .dmg. Anyone got any tips?

Edit: Fuck up on Bitwig’s part. .msi is for Windows. I’m messaging support now.


What about downloading the good one


EDITED Wednesday, June 23, 2021 4:31 PM
Oh LOL shit my bad you right
it’s effectively an MSI file we get on clicking on the mac button sorry mate @graig


that doesn’t work either … looks like they uploaded the windows file as the mac resource.


Support have fixed it. Mac users can now download the DMG of the Beta 5 :slight_smile:

Edit: Nope, they’ve put up Beta 4 instead. Messaging again!

Another edit: NOW it’s the Beta 5 available to download. Refresh the page and have at it!


We got there in the end!

There’s some nice stuff in here, I think v4 is shaping up pretty nicely. The new track monitoring thing means you don’t need to add an audio input to both listen to AND record from another track. That was a significant annoyance and it’s now gone. The globals modulator will be very helpful for the new fill behaviour and the snap toggle is a useful UX thing.

The future is bright…bright orange in this case.


Does Bitwig just auto play when your computers go into sleep? It’s driving me nuts.

Anyone here making full-blown tracks/sketches entirely within The Grid? I’m thinking about giving it a go because I love it so much and I think the problem-solving part of my brain would enjoy the challenge/limitations of going down that route. And of course, seeing how Autechre reportedly make entire tracks out of Max/MSP makes me curious about the approach. Any tips or tricks from those who have tried it? Also, what about initial note input from outside of the Grid? One long note, then use gates and pitch quantisers within the Grid, or one or two arps, or actual chord sequences etc etc? Or all of the above? Thanks in advance!

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I’ve tried to do this sort of thing a little bit, but mostly in the context of creating “endless” generative ambient stuff in the grid. Creating an actual reproducible track witthin grid with distinct A/B/C+ parts, etc, would be really interesting though. Maybe you could even rig it up to respond to program change messages?

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Awesome. I was thinking of having perhaps two or three states on separate tracks to create the A/B/C parts of a track, so that it evolves nicely and track mutes used to transition from one to another etc. If I ever get something musical going, I’ll post examples.


@craig Go and watch Polarity’s videos on YT around the Grid and generative. He’s got loads of useful stuff as well as streaming sessions where he just builds stuff and makes tracks in Bitwig for hours. He loves the Grid and gets right into the knotty stuff about how it all works and the “science” of what he’s doing

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Nice one. I’ve watched a few of Polarity’s vids in the past. I remember one about creating reverb effects within the Grid using all-pass filters and whatnot. I’m going to watch many more of them as I learn more about what’s possible. I really like the idea of pushing the limits of what can be achieved with a modular environment that’s far cheaper than trying to assemble a hardware equivalent :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m also keen on the idea of making entire (probably minimalist) tracks inside the Grid. It’s definitely possible but it can get complex fast. I still need to nail down some of the basics about phase which seems to be key to understanding how to do sequencing in the Grid. I think getting a grasp on a few key concepts is something I need to work on to move forward with it!

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I would also add that there’s a deep rabbit hole to go down with generative stuff without even using the Grid. The note generating and mangling devices and the modulators can make for some great semi-random results before you get anywhere near the Grid or the new operators.

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This is a huge improvement for working with Overbridge specifically. You can now add the chains from the VST for your individual outs and then monitor them as if they are regular tracks with the internal routing. Before, it would not show the visualization for the track on the monitor.


16 days until my licence expires … will i sneak in?

JRR shop seems to have a good deal on today.