The Clone War - Behringer. Good or Bad?

Exactly. This discussion is so needless. If the Elektron CEO did the same things Uli has done, I hope we’d all be equally appalled, regardless of our love for the brand. Companies should not be bullying individuals. Simple as that.


Competition: The facts :laughing:



On the other side of that… ARP cloned Moog. So all the way back in the beginning of synth-time TM cloning was happening. (well, just a circuit or two…)

Again, Uli B. isn’t German. He was born in Switzerland.

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Ah, well then that explains why he deleted his “apology” for cork sniffer after 24 hours.
Perhaps only Behringer being founded in Germany over thirty years ago meant none of it really applied to him.


As a German, it’s my duty to point out that this greedy psycho isn’t a German. It’s a widely spread misinformation.


Gotta say that, for me, one good thing to come out of the asshattery of the big B is that I’m now a regular CDM reader.


who is TRUELY impartial tho. NO ONE.

so you gotta take it with a grain of salt. your best critic is you. the reviewers are kind of a guideline. hell if I believed reviews…id have never watched Dolemite. one of my all time favorite movies. I like what “I” like :wink:

but as I’ve said, I have no respect for someone who bites and doesn’t give credit where credit is due. and someone who double standards stuff. ex: rips off designs with absolutely no hesitation, but will turn around and sue the shit out of you if you bite his styles…OR EVEN SAY SOMETHING negative about his product [that he stole]…so, ya.


Not surprising, and yet: kinda surprising.


not surprising. :frowning:

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Fair play to Benn, he’s not quitting on this shit.

I’ve a feeling his next fax from Beringer might not be such a friendly one.


I like how Benn’s being totally reasonable instead of a sort of cancel-culture jackass. He’s trying to give them the benefit of the doubt and be fair and even give them an “out” of sorts (prove you’ve done this thing you said you would and I’ll be an advertisement for you).


Great to see a synth YouTube influencer with a set of cajones. I expect the other YouTubers to say nothing as usual so as not to rock the money boat.


Behringer really seem incapable to give a response to anything without sounding like dicks.

If they did give 1000 synths to charity, this was a brilliant opportunity for them to score some goodwill.

Instead we get this. They make it impossible to not dislike them.


Apologies to Germany… as someone with such close proximity, he should know better.

Like, even beyond the weird historical trope, using a billionaire’s platform to personally attack a journalist both telling the truth with very little ability to harm the powerful in return… it’s gross.

Reminds me of when a legitimately heroic rescue worker pointed out that Elon Musk injected himself into a rescue of children stuck in a cave and had no help to offer, then got called a pedophile by Musk. Repeatedly. Because his ego was so wounded.

Anyway, I’m glad he’s kept his presence off the internet as of late.


Persons who claim to be “objective”, “rational”, “logic”… don’t get to judge by self-ascription. We all have our particular prism by which we see the world.

I feel like Walter Sobchak right now.

“A million bucks, from needy little urban achievers. You are scum, man”


Exactly what I said. :+1:t6:

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Single-minded entrepreneur is out of place in a warm community of people who love making and sharing music. I’ll support the small and smaller guys creating things with a shared mindset, thanks. Learn and move on.


Fake products fake statements fake person.

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