The Clone War - Behringer. Good or Bad?

after being shot down many times on this forum for my view on the products & the business model I’m just keeping out this time. Especially if it comes to talking about the man himself.

so I’ll butt out guys

c u next tuesday.


At these prices, they practically are even without any campaigns :slight_smile:

Was it this post that got people angry this time:

What’s wrong with it?

How so? All I know I have pretty awesome synths thanks to the guy.

I don’t care honestly. The market is growing rapidly, Behringer is a shit company but there was room for their business model and if it hadn’t been them, it would have been someone else. I’ll maybe buy a K2 at some point because it’s exactly the model of MS-20 that I want: Module and priced like the MS-20 mini.

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Well, that’s one way to find 1,000 Beta testers :zzz:
Maybe, he just likes children, a lot.

Like I said, you can like his synths, I have no doubt plenty of people do.

The “nice guy doing low prices for the benefit of all” though is pretty transparent, it is entirely an attempt to dominate the market, buy up competitors, silence critics, copy in production products, etc etc.

It is in many ways a shame, when they do their own products they can do some good stuff, much better than feature limited quick cash in clones, which are pretty boring at this point.

All that power and resources, could revolutionise synths in the same way others are trying/doing, but the best they can do is copies of other peoples gear or 80’s stuff, with 80’s midi specs etc. Pretty funny.


I mean, people can repeat what’s been posted 500 times already here before. Either you’re genuine and you can’t scroll up 10 posts, or you’re ok with the lies and attacks.


This debate has a lot of political overtones about it. I think thats why there is a huge division of opinion.

Like this Ferrari? it makes sound but not very good at it, and a pain to work with.

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I have no particular political affiliation, I’m not too fond of censorship or cancel culture etc. I don’t personally believe that laws preventing people from saying dumb, hurtful stuff makes it disappear, but I do think it is the right for others to call it out and act accordingly if they see fit. Challenge not censor.

I’m of the opinion that people tend to dig their own graves eventually, you can’t hide what you truly are for very long, and usually you get exactly what you deserve in some form or another.


Cancel culture is a made up term created to give a bad name to something that should be an obvious companion to freedom of speech: accountability


No one would be “canceled” if they just apologized and did better.

The Arturia/Mutable case is a perfect example.


I’m not so sure that is always just that though, I agree 100% in accountability for shitty behaviour in any case.


The Mutable is open source, and nothing to do with scams of any sort.


Ethics aside, the point is Emilie and the community were upset, Arturia reached out, they cleared the air, made the changes. End of story.

Uli is digging trenches.


Damn right sir! I too believe in freedom of speech. But this Behringer guy seems politically affiliated and they often push their values onto the lower masses(because thats how they view people, not on an even level playing fiield).


I think that most decent people regardless of which political affiliation or geographic location basically all want the same thing, fairness, peace, food on their table, access to health care and so on.

It is when the powers that be seek to divide people up based on any particular difference that they are free to cause conflict and manipulate people, all under some nefarious bogus concept of acting in their interests.

Even making synth nerds fight among themselves on the internet :laughing:


This Behringer discussion will go nowhere if you ask me :thinking:
Lots of emotions for a mundane topic like music instruments and also black&white thinking on both sides.
Not every Behringer-critic is an elitist gear snob that wants to keep poor people out of their hobby
and not everyone owning or using Behringer gear is a bad person, in favor of anti-semitism etc.
Just very unhealthy discussion habits reminding me of console wars and android vs iphone discussions.


Well, last time it got me banned for a few weeks, which I actually enjoyed because of the extra free time not spent on elektronauts. So let’s give it a chance shall we ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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To be honest maybe it should be nuked from orbit, the thread I mean not Uli :laughing:

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